May one pick lemons or other citrus fruit in his house garden and eat it “under the tree” without Terumos Umaasros?
A regular house garden is considered a Chatzer Hamishtameres which can be Koveia for Maaser[1], and it is hence forbidden for one to eat more than one piece at a time.[2] Accordingly, one may not pick a citrus fruit and eat it under the tree without taking off Terumos and Maasors, being that a single fruit contains many pieces that are separate from each other.[3]
[1] See Michaber Y.D. 331:83; Rambam Maaser 4:8
[2] Michaber Y.D. 331:89; 91; Rambam Maaser 4:15 and 17
[3] See Emunas Asicha 7 p. 34
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