May one do Kaparos on behalf of a family member that is not present

May one do Kaparos on behalf of a family member that is not present?[1]

  • Example: One’s son is in the army and cannot be present for Kaparos. One’s wife gave birth and she and the baby cannot be present for Kaparos.

Yes.[2] One is to state prior to the Kaparos that it is being performed on behalf of “Peloni the son/daughter of Peloni”.[3]


[1] See Keser Shem Tov of Rav Gagin 4 p. 229 that so is custom of Sephardim in Eretz Yisrael; Syria, Egypt and Turkey; Mishneh Halachos 17:70; Mechkirei Aretz 5:111; Nitei Gavriel 11:13; See Rama 605:1; Admur 605:1-3 and Siddur it is implied that the main aspect of Kaparos is to have a chicken slaughtered on one’s behalf, and not necessarily the waving over the head.

[2] The reason: From the wording of all the Poskim it is implied that the main aspect of Kaparos is to have a chicken slaughtered on one’s behalf, and not necessarily the waving over the head. [See Rama 605:1; Admur 605:1-3 and Siddur]

[3] Nitei Gavriel ibid

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