Is one obligated to build a Sukkah far from his home if he has no room in or near his property to do so, and there are no neighboring Sukkos available in which he can eat in?
One who does not have room in his property to build a Sukkah [i.e. no porch or backyard with space under the sky] is nevertheless required to build a Sukkah even a distance from his home, and dwell in it throughout Sukkos.[1] [Alternatively, if there are neighboring Sukkos available, one can dwell in another person’s Sukkah, rather than build his own Sukkah.] This comes to negate those who do not build a Sukkah, and do not dwell in any Sukkah over Sukkos, under the claim that they are only required to build a Sukkah near their home, and since they cannot do so therefore they are exempt.[2] [However, some Poskim[3] rule that we do not require one to move to a different city, or to a hotel, for the duration of Sukkos simply for the sake of being able to have a Sukkah nearby, and the matter is to be measured in accordance to the degree of effort that one would pursue to dwell in his own home.[4] Thus, if it is not possible for one to build a Sukkah within his city, such as due to robbers, then he is exempt from the Mitzvah and is not required to move from his city for the duration of Sukkos.]
[1] Gloss of Chasam Sofer 640; Bikureiy Yaakov 640:13; M”B 640:24; Shaar Hatziyon 640:30
[2] Chasam Sofer ibid; Shaar Hatziyon ibid
[3] Mishneh Halachos 6:115; Piskeiy Teshuvos 640:7
[4] The reason: As we apply here the rule of Teishvu Keiyn Taduru, and one is thus exempt from the Mitzvah.
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