Is it permitted on Shabbos to squeeze gel or paste or cream out from a tube?

Is it permitted on Shabbos to squeeze gel or paste or cream out from a tube?


Yes. Doing so does not transgress Mimacheik, Mimareiach, nor any other prohibition, so long as one does not smear and smoothen the gel or paste once it comes out.

Sources: Shevet Halevi 4:33; Mesores Moshe 2 O.C. 135; Avnei Yashpei 2:32; SSH”K 11:14; Ashrei Haish 29:3; Chut Hashani 328 p. 214; Nishmas Shabbos 116; Orchos Shabbos 17:19 footnote 30; Shulchan Shlomo 2:109

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