Is Avinu Malkeinu recited in Shacharis of Erev Yom Kippur when Erev Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos?

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Erev Yom Kippur that falls on Friday:[1] Some[2] communities have the custom to say Avinu Malkeinu by Shacharis of Erev Yom Kippur in years that Yom Kippur falls out on Shabbos, in which case Avinu Malkeinu is not recited on Yom Kippur.[3] [Practically, the Chabad custom is to omit Avinu Malkeinu even when Erev Yom Kippur falls on Friday.[4]]

[1] Admur ibid; Rama ibid; Darkei Moshe ibid; Mateh Moshe ibid; Levush 604:2

[2] Custom of Krakow, recorded in Rama ibid and Darkei Moshe ibid; Mateh Moshe ibid; Mateh Efraim 604:13 rules like this opinion; Minhag Karlin Stolin, brought in Koveitz Beis Yisrael Veaaron

[3] See Admur 619:11 where it is explained that according to Ashkenazi custom, Avinu Malkeinu is not recited on Yom Kippur that falls on Shabbos

[4] Shevach Hamoadim 22:1 from Sefer Haminhagim [I have not found the source for this is Sefer Haminhagim]; Hiskashrus based on Luach Kolel Chabad. Otzer Minhagei Chabad 29 [To note that in Otzer Minhagei Chabad there is a typing error saying that the Chabad custom is to say Avinu Malkeinu when in truth their intent was to write that our custom is not to say it, as evident from the sources there.]

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