If a person missed Kerias Hatorah must he try to join another Minyan to make it up?

* This article is an excerpt from the above book

If a person missed Kerias Hatorah must he try to join another Minyan to make it up?[1]

It is debated amongst the Poskim if Kerias Hatorah is an obligation upon the congregation or is a personal obligation upon each individual. According to the approach[2], that it is an obligation upon each individual to hear the Torah reading, then one who missed the Torah reading is obligated to make it up by another Minyan [or make his own Minyan by gathering at least six people who did not hear the Torah reading]. However, according to the approach[3] that it is a general obligation upon the congregation and not upon the individual, then one who missed the Torah reading is not obligated to make it up by another Minyan arrange or arrange for a minyan to take place for the sake of the reading. Practically, although the main ruling follows the latter opinion[4], the widespread custom is to try to join another minyan or arrange for a Minyan to take place for the sake of hearing the Torah reading.[5]


[1] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 135:2; 282:2; Igros Kodesh 9:79, printed in Shulchan Menachem 2:166

[2] Implication of Raavan 73 who rules that one needs Kavana to be Yotzei the blessings; Shelah in Hagahos Yeish Nochlin “If one did not hear even one word he is not Yotzei the reading at all”; Birchas Shmuel Yevamos 21 in name of Rav Chaim of Brisk; Biur Halacha 146:2 “Viyeish Matririn” that the obligation of Ezra is on each individual [however see Biur Halacha 135:14 “Ein Mevin” “There is no obligation on the individual”]; Igros Moshe 4:40; See Admur 282:5 “And all the congregation fulfill their obligation through hearing him,” hence implying that there is an obligation upon the individual [at least when he is present by the Minyan. Vetzaruch Iyun!]; See Tikkunei Zohar Tikkun 21 p. 63a “This is why the Sages established to hear the Torah during prayer, in order so it be a complete Karban for man.” See Igros Kodesh ibid that there are two types of Kerias Hatorah, one being a community obligation and the second being a personal obligation; See Likkutei Sichos 4:1283; Pardes Chabad 7:100; Hearos Veiyunim Kfar Chabad 5:132

[3] Implication of Tosafos Sukkah 52a; Ramban Milchamos Hashem Megillah 5a “All that which we were taught in the Mishneh is an obligation on the congregation and not on the individual”; Ran Megillah 3a in name of Ramban ibid and implication of Ran 13b; Radbaz 1:572; Noda Beyehuda Tinyana 15; Tzemach Tzedek 35-7 “The obligation is not on the actual congregation for them to hear all seven Aliyos, and rather it suffices for there to be seven readers, and it is not similar to Kerias Megillah which is an obligation on each individual to hear the entire Megillah”; Tzemach Tzedek Megillah 3:6-3; Peulas Sachir on Maaseh Rav 175 in name of Gr”a; Semicha Lechaim of Rav Chaim Falagi; Maharshag 2:92; Mishneh Sachir 1:88; Aruch Hashulchan 69:14; Imrei Yosher 2:171; Biur Halacha 135:14 “Ein Mevin” “There is no obligation on the individual” [however see Biur Halacha 146:2 “Viyeish Matririn” that the obligation of Ezra is on each individual]; Tziyunim Letorah Klal  9 in length; Har Tzevi 1:58; Minchas Shlomo 2:4-14; Yabia Omer 7:9; 8:17; Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:148; 3:65; Yagdil Torah 8:15

Must the congregation hear all of the Kerias Hatorah according to this opinion? Some Poskim rule that even the congregation is not obligated to hear the entire Kerias Hatorah during the reading, so long as they hear most of it, and it was all read. Accordingly, even a Katan may read one of the Aliyos. [Tzemach Tzedek ibid] Other Poskim, however, rule that the entire congregation must hear the entire reading to fulfill their obligation, and hence a Katan is invalid to read any Aliyah. [Admur 282:5; M”A 282:6]

[4] Maharshag 2:92; See also Shaareiy Efraim 7:39 and Piskeiy Teshuvos 135 footnote 40

[5] Goren David 5 in name of Chasam Sofer that he would make an afternoon Minyan for the reading on days of travel, when he missed the reading during Shacharis; So also did Mahariy Asad ibid; See Tzafnas Paneiach on Rambam Tefilla 12:5 based on Moed Katan 23a that even according to Ramban ibid, one has an obligation to create a Minyan if there is none in his area; See Ashel Avraham Butchach Tinyana 90 that it is similar to the obligation to Daven with a Minyan;

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