This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer

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The Joy:[1] The Joy of Shevi’i Shel Pesach and Acharon Shel Pesach surpass the joy of all the previous days of Pesach.[2]
Time is precious-Revelation of Atzmus:[3] The Rebbe Rashab stated: On Shevi’i Shel Pesach Atzmus is revealed. Every person is able to take and receive. Hence, time on this day is very precious. Every moment of one’s time is to be properly utilized.
Rosh Hashanah of Mesirus Nefesh:[4] The Tzemach Tzedek remarked that Shevi’i Shel Pesach is the Rosh Hashanah for Mesirus Nefesh. On this day Nachshon plunged with complete faith into the Red sea. One draws down Mesirus Nefesh on this day for the entire year that follows.
In the future, we will not eat on Shevi’i Shel Pesach:[5] In the future, we will not eat anything on the last day of Pesach, not even Matzah.[6] It will hence be forbidden to cook on the last day of Pesach, or perform any food related work, just like it is forbidden on Shabbos and Yom Kippur.
Elevation of the sparks:[7] On the last day of Pesach, we experienced the splitting of the sea and received the spoilage of the Egyptian infantry. Spiritually, this represented the elevation of the sparks.
Splitting of the sea in future:[8] In the future, there too will be a splitting of the river. The river however will split into seven parts and not 12, corresponding to the three forefathers and four foremothers. The difference between the splitting of the reed sea and this river is as follows: The sea represents Malchus of Atzilus which conceals the revelations of Atzilus, just as the sea conceals its creations. It allows the creations to exist and not be nullified to their source. The splitting of the sea represents that Beria gets elevated to Atzilus. When this occurred, all the creations sang because they left their Keilim. This is called Giluiy of Sovev. The sea split to 12 parts corresponding to each tribe in Beria. The splitting of the sea at that time was needed as a preparation for Matan Torah and for there to be a Hamshacha of Elokus from Atzilus below. In the future, however, the river will split to 7 parts in order to have a Hamshacha of Penimyus Hatorah, the level of Eden, from Za of Atik into Atzilus.
The Neshamos are born on the 7th day of Pesach:[9] All souls that are born go through a state of Ibur/gestation within the Sefira Malchus. The souls remain within the Sefira of Malchus for seven months, from Shemini Atzeres, when Mashiv Haruach is recited, until the seventh day of Pesach which is when they are born. Malchus serves the function of developing the soul into a Yeish [a separate entity]. In this level, the soul receives a high revelation of G-dliness for it to become a Yeish.
[1] Sefer Haminhagim p. 83 [English]; Sefer Hasichos 5700 p. 71
[2] The reason: As this day is connected to the complete and final redemption.
[3] Sefer Hasichos 1938 p. 270
[4] Likkutei Dibburim 3 23:66 in name of Tzemach Tzedek
[5] Likkutei Torah Tzav p. 14d; Siddur Im Dach Shaar Chag Hamatzos p. 289
[6] The proof: This is learned from the verse which states regarding the last day of Pesach that it is an Atzeres for Hashem. Now, by the other Yomim Tovim, the Torah states that they are an “Atzeres for you” which the Talmud uses to teach us that one is to dedicate half the Yom Tov for himself and half for Hashem. However, on the last day of Pesach it only says Atzeres for Hashem, which implies that we are not to dedicate any time for ourselves. In truth, this verse is speaking of the future, that in the future the last day of Pesach will be totally dedicated to Hashem, and we will not even eat or drink on this day. This can also be learned from the fact the verse states that “for six days one is to eat Matzah” and not for seven days, as in truth, in the future, we will not eat Matzah on the 7th day. [Likkutei Torah ibid]
[7] Likkutei Torah Tzav p. 14d
[8] Likkutei Torah Tzav p. 117; Siddur Im Dach Shaar Chag Hamatzos p. 289
[9] Likkutei Torah Tzav 16b
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