From what age must one begin educating his child to recite blessings prior to eating?

From what age must one begin educating his child to recite blessings prior to eating?[1]

Once the child is old enough to understand the concept of a blessing, that he is blessing God, then one is obligated to educate him to say the blessing prior to eating.[2] This is approximately from age 6 or seven.[3] Or, age 4 or 5.[4] Nonetheless, some are accustomed to begin educating the child as soon as he knows how to say the correct blessings[5], and some are accustomed to educating the child the moment he begins speaking.[6]


[1] See Otzer Hbarachos 3:35; Piskeiy Teshuvos 202 footnote 9; See regarding Birchas Hamazon: Admur 343:2 regarding all positive commands; 186:3 and 187:4 regarding Birchas Hamazon; Michaber 186:2 “A child is Rabbinically obligate din Birchas Hamazon in order to educate him”; M”A 187; Bach 192; Mishneh Brachos 20a “Women, children, and slaves are obligated in the Mitzvah of …Birchas Hamazon.”

[2] Maharam Chalva 141

[3] M”B 269:1

[4] Makor Chaim of Chavos Yair 269

[5] Ashrei Ish 1:221; Doleh Umashkeh 385

[6] Yesod Veshoresh HavodaShaar 7:10

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