From the Rav’s Desk: Using one’s own hair to make a Sheitel

  1. Question: [Tuesday, 12th Tammuz, 5781]

I’m getting married in a few weeks IYH, and would like to know if it is permitted for me to cut my hair and use it to make myself a Sheitel. I have very long hair which I will anyways have to cut, and know someone who is ready to do it for me, although my question is whether it is permitted for me to wear a Sheitel that is made from my own hair.



According to most Poskim, it is permitted for you to make a Sheitel even out of your own hair. You may rely on this if you wish.

Explanation: There is a known debate in the Poskim regarding if whether it is permitted for a married, or once married woman, to wear a Sheitel as a hair covering, or whether doing so is forbidden due to Maras Ayin. Now, the majority of Poskim rule that it is permitted to wear a Sheitel, and they are not concerned with the issue of Maras Ayin, and so is the ruling of the Alter Rebbe in his Shulchan Aruch. Now, regarding if even using your own hair is permitted, although this too is under debate, the original Poskim who permit wearing a Sheitel explicitly rule that the permission applies even if it is made out of one’s own hair, as the main point is that it is not attached to the head, and hence it would seem that all those authorities who permit wearing a Sheitel and are not concerned with Maras Ayin, including the Alter Rebbe, would likewise permit it even if it is made out of one’s own hair. Now, regarding a worry that this may lead to immoral thoughts, the Poskim explain that in truth we only suspect for immoral thoughts when the hair is attached to the head. Likewise, there is no real source in the Poskim [that I am aware of] for requiring a woman to look married, and hence even if people cannot tell that she’s married due to the fact that she’s using her own hair for her Sheitel, nonetheless her hair is considered covered according to all the Poskim who do not worry for Maras Ayin, and so is the widespread custom of most Ashkenazi communities and some Sephardic communities to follow these opinions.

Sources: See Rama 75:2; Admur 75:4; Halichos Bas Yisrael 5:8; Kevuda Bas Melech [Weiner] footnote 31; Mibei Midrasha 18; Poskim who rule that even her own hair is allowed: Darkei Moshe 303:6 in name of Shiltei Giborim Shabbos 29a “It is permitted for a married woman to walk around with a revealed wig, whether it is made from her own hair or from her friends hair, as the hair of a woman is considered an Ervah only if it is actually attached to her skin”; Beir Heiytiv 75:8; Ateres Zekeinim 75:3 in name of Darkei Moshe ibid and that so is implication of Rama 75:2 who does not differentiate; P”M 75 A”A 5; Shisilei Zeisim 75:5; Kaf Hachaim 75:20; Taharas Hashulchan end of Pischeiy Olam 75; M”B 75:15 based on Peri Megadim to be lenient, although he brings in name of the Magen Giborim to be stringent; See Nachalas Binyamin 26 and Yaskil Avdi E.H. 7:16 regarding that immoral thoughts only are suspected for when attached to the head; Poskim who rule that her own hair is forbidden: Ateres Zekeinim ibid in understanding of Levush 75:2 [however, see Hagahos Brauch Frankel who disagrees with this understanding in the Levush, and states that even he agrees that her own hair is permitted]; Magen Giborim 75 Alef Hamagen 8 in name of Levush; M”B 75:15 in name of the Magen Giborim

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