Even the sinners of Israel are filled with Mitzvah’s like a pomegranate:

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J. Even the sinners of Israel are filled with Mitzvah’s like a pomegranate: Torah Or p. 79b-80b

Our sages teach us that even the lowest and most empty of the Jewish people are filled with Mitzvah’s like a pomegranate. In truth, this term of lowest and empty does not refer to rebellious Jews who transgress the commands but rather to Jews who work so much to make an income that they are not able to establish any time for Torah study. Such Jews are compared to a pomegranate, as although they do not contain Torah they are filled with Mitzvah’s and Derech Eretz. They are like the pomegranate fruit which is tangy and is both sour and sweet at the same time. So too, their Mitzvah’s contain the tangy and sour taste of their worldly involvement and therefore is advantageous as it is able to arouse a very high revelation of pleasure above, just as tangy taste refreshes the soul. It is for this reason that the robe of the high priest had pomegranate sewed into its bottom, to express that even the pomegranate Jew who is empty of any Torah study can reach high levels of service of G-d.

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