Reminders for Yom Kippur day:
- One is to wash his hands until the knuckle upon awakening.
- One does not recite Sheasa Li Kol Tzarki.
- In Kerias Hatorah one should be distressed over the death of sons of Aharon
- Ein Kelokeinu and Aleinu are not recited after Musaf Shemoneh Esrei.
- Ashrei/Uva Letziyon are not recited before Mincha. It is said before Neilah
- Mincha: The Torah is read Torah in the regular tune. Nesias Kapayim is not performed in Mincha, although the Chazan does say Elokeinu
- Neilah: Begin Neilah before sunset; Leave Aron open throughout Neilah; recite Avinu Malkeinu even if falls on Shabbos; Napoleon’s march in middle of Kaddish followed by single blowing of Shofar; Kaddish with Lieila Ulieila.
- Recite the 9 remaining chapters of Tehillim before Maariv.
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