C. Aneinu:
The prayer of Aneinu is added during Mincha Shemoneh Esrei of a fast day.[1] It is recited within the blessing of Shomeia Tefila[2], prior to the words “Ki Ata Shomeia”[3]. It is not recited during the silent Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis or Maariv.[4] It is however recited within the Chazan’s repetition of the Shacharis and Mincha Shemoneh Esrei.[5] The Chazan recites Aneinu as a separate blessing between the blessings of Goal Yisrael and Rifaeinu.[6] This applies during the Chazan’s repetition of both Shacharis and Mincha Shemoneh Esrei. However during the Chazan’s silent prayer of Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis he does not say Aneninu[7], while during his silent prayer of Mincha he recites Aneinu within Shomeia Tefila just like the other Daveners.[8]
One who forgot Aneinu: If one forgot to say Aneinu in Shomeia Tefila he has nevertheless fulfilled his obligation.[9] If he remembered prior to finishing Shemoneh Esrei, he is to recite it at the end of Davening[10], in Elokaiy Netzor prior to the [second[11]] Yihyu Leratzon.[12] If he remembered prior to Ritzei, he is nevertheless to continue and recite it in Elokaiy Netzor.[13] [If he only remembered after finishing Davening that it is proper to concentrate on each word of the Chazan’s repetition and thus fulfill his obligation.[14]]
Chazan forgot Aneinu:[15] If the Chazan forgot to say Aneinu in his repetition he has nevertheless fulfilled his obligation.[16] If he remembered prior to reciting Hashem’s name in the blessing of Rifaeinu then he is to go back and recite it and then repeat from Rifaeinu.[17] If he already recited Hashem’s name in the end blessing of Rifaeinu then he may not go back and say it[18] and is rather to recite Aneinu in Shomeia Tefila just like one does by his private Shemoneh Esrei.[19] In such a case he is to recite the end blessing of Aneinu and conclude the blessing of Shomeia Tefila as “Haoneh Bieis Tzarah Veshomeia Tefila”.[20] If one did not recite the end blessing of Aneinu and concluded the blessing of Shomeia Tefila as usual, he has nevertheless fulfilled his obligation of Aneinu.[21] If he forgot to say it within Shomeia Tefila and already recited Hashem’s name in the blessing then he is to say the entire blessing of Aneinu on its own [immediately[22]] after concluding the blessing of Sim Shalom [prior to saying the first Yehiyu Leratzon].[23]
Chazan mistakenly said Aneinu before Goal Yisrael:[24] If the Chazan mistakenly recited Aneinu prior to the blessing of Riei Na then he must repeat Aneinu after Riei Na.[25]
Q&A on Aneinu If one is Davening Mincha past sunset, may Aneinu be recited? Some Poskim[26] rule Aneinu is not to be recited after sunset. Nonetheless, the widespread custom is to say it.[27] May Aneinu be recited in the Chazan’s repetition if not everyone in the Minyan is fasting?[28] Some Poskim[29] rule the Chazan may not recite Aneinu unless there are ten people fasting within the Minyan. Others[30] rule it may be only be recited if there are seven people fasting. Others[31] rule it may only be recited if there are six people fasting. Other Poskim[32] rule that if at least three people in the Minyan are fasting the Chazan may recite Aneinu in his repetition. Practically the Chabad custom is like this latter opinion.[33] However many are accustomed that the Chazan only says Aneinu if there are at least six people fasting.[34] If there are not enough fasters at the Minyan should the Chazan recite Aneinu in Shomeia Tefila? Some Poskim[35] rule the Chazan is to recite Aneinu within Shomeia Tefila even if the minimum amount of people fasting is not present. May the Torah be read by Shacharis and Mincha if not everyone in the Minyan is fasting?[36] Many Poskim[37] rule that if at least three people in the Minyan are fasting the Torah may be read. Practically the Chabad custom is like this opinion.[38] However many[39] are accustomed to only read the Torah if there are at least six people fasting. What is the congregation to do on Shacharis of Mondays and Thursdays if there are not enough fasters at the Minyan?[40] On Shacharis of Mondays and Thursdays, if there are not enough fasters at the Minyan, the congregation should read the weekly Torah portion instead of Vayichal. May one who is not fasting [i.e. sick, old, pregnant] recite Aneinu on a public fast day?[41] This matter is disputed in Poskim. Some Poskim[42] rule Aneinu may be recited in Shomeia Tefila by a person who is not fasting if he is Davening with the Minyan. In such a case, he is to recite the dialect of “Beyom Tzom Hataanis Tzibur Hazeh.” Other Poskim[43] rule Aneinu is never to be recited by one who is not fasting. Everyone agrees Aneinu is not to be recited when such a person is Davening in private. If one accidently ate on a fast day but continued fasting, is he to recite Aneinu?[44] Some Poskim[45] rule he may recite Aneinu, and recite the dialect “Beyom Tzom Hataanis Hazeh”. Other Poskim[46] rule he may no longer recite Aneinu. If he only ate a small amount, such as less than a Kezayis of food and the minority of a Revius of a drink, then he may recite Aneinu according to all.[47] Are children who are not fasting to recite Aneinu?[48] No. If one accidently recited Aneinu between Goal Yisrael and Rifaeinu is he to still say it within Shomeia Tefila?[49] No, as he has already fulfilled his obligation. |
Sparks of Kabala The meaning behind Aneinu The Kol Bo writes the prayer of Aneinu contains 63 words which correspond to the 63 letters contained within the verse “Vayira Yaakov Meod…” The Aguda writes that it corresponds to the 63 letters of the three Avos and twelve tribes.[50] Alternatively it corresponds to the Divine 63 letter name of Hashem [Sheim Sag], which corresponds to Bina and Gevura. We thus recite 63 words in order to sweeten the severities of Bina. |
[1] Rama 565:3
[2] Michaber 565:1
[3] Rama 565:1; It is not said as a separate blessing and rather as soon as one reaches the words Lechol Eis Tzara Vetzuka he then continues back with the words Ki Ata Shomeia Tefilas… [Rama ibid]
[4] Rama 565:3
The reason: As it is possible that one may have to break his fast due to a medical emergency, and he will hence have ended up lying within his prayer of “the day of our fast”. [Michaber 565:3]
Other Opinions: The Michaber ibid rules that by the four fasts every fasting individual is to recite Aneinu within his private Shemoneh Esrei [by Shomeia Tefila]. This applies even by the Maariv Shemoneh Esrei recited the night before the start of the fast in the morning. [M”B 565:9 in name of Gr”a] Nevertheless, practically, the Sefaradim do not recite it in Maariv, and only recite it in Shacharis and Mincha. [Kaf hachaim 565:17]
[5] Rama 565:3
[6] Michaber 566:1
[7] As rules Rama 655:3
[8] Michaber 565:1
[9] Michaber 565:2
[10] Michaber 565:2
[11] P”M 566 M”Z 2; Aruch Hashulchan 565:3; Kaf Hachaim 119:25; 565:12; Piskeiy Teshuvos 565:2; Hiskashrus 1025
[12] Levush; M”B 565:7; Kaf Hachaim 565:12; Bedieved, one may say it even after [the second] Yehiyu Leratzon. [Shaareiy Tziyon 565:6]
[13] M”A 565:2; M”B 565:6; Kaf Hachaim 565:3
[14] Mahril 12; Taz 565:2; Kaf Hachaim 565:13
[15] Admur 119:5
[16] Michaber 565:2; Kaf Hachaim 565:10
[17] As one is required to go back to say Aneinu if he will not be required to repeat the blessing of Rifaeinu. [Admur ibid]
[18] As if he were to go back then he would be required to repeat the blessing of Rifaeinu and would hence cause his previous blessing of Rifaeinu to have been said in vain. One cannot say it after the blessing of Rifaeinu as the blessings in Shemoneh Esrei must be said in their proper order. [Admur ibid]
[19] Admur ibid
[20] Admur ibid based on M”A 119
The reason: This is not considered as if one is ending with two blessings being that the words of Shomeia Tefila can also refer to the prayers of the fast day. [ibid]
Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule one is not to recite the end blessing of Aneinu but is rather to stop before the blessing and then recite “Ki Ata Shomeia Tefilas..” [M”B 119; Mateh Efraim 602:9]
[21] The reason: As the words of Shomeia Tefila can also refer to the prayers of the fast day. [Admur ibid]
[22] Piskeiy Teshuvos 565:2
[23] The reason: As since one has already completed the eighteen blessings of Shemoneh Esrei there is no problem of saying it out of order. [Admur ibid]
[24] Admur 119:6
[25] The reason: As if the blessings must be recited in the correct order otherwise the Shemoneh Esrei is invalid. [ibid]
[26] Ashel Avraham Butchach 565
[27] Piskeiy Teshuvos 565 footnote 12
[28] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 566:4 for a general overview of this topic.
[29] Michaber 566:3; Admur 119:5; Kitzur SHU”A 20:8
[30] M”B 566:14; Machazik Bracha brought in Shaareiy Teshuvah 566:3 writes 6 or 7
[31] Machazik Bracha ibid; Yeshuos Yaakov 566; Keren Ledavid 145; Kaf Hachaim 119:27 and 566:32 in name of many Poskim; Chelkas Yaakov 3:69; Igros Moshe 4:113; Minchas Yitzchak 1:65; Yechave Daas 1:79; Beir Moshe 8:93; Piskeiy Teshuvos 566:4
[32] Bach in name of Aguda; Meiri Megillah 2a; Orchos Chaim [Lunil]; Leket Yosher 114 in name of Terumos Hadeshen; Aruch Hashulchan 566:7; Maharsham 2:97; Daas Torah 69; Sdei Chemed 1 Klalei Haposkim 13:7; Sefer Haminhagim [English] p. 26; Piskei Dinim 566; Shut Tzemach Tzedek Shaar Hamiluim 8, brought in Shaar Hakolel 9:17; Igros Kodesh 16:313; Luach Kolel Chabad; Hiskashrus 1024 footnote 16
Does this apply even if the other seven people in the Minyan ate more than the Shiur? In Sefer Haminhagim ibid and Shut Tzemach Tzedek ibid it states that the above allowance only applies if the other seven people did not eat more than the permitted Shiur of food which is allowed if one is sick and the like. However, in Igros Kodesh ibid and the Rebbe’s edited edition of Luach Kolel Chabad this condition was omitted hence implying the condition is not necessary. [Hiskashrus ibid]
[33] Sefer Haminhagim [English] p. 26; Piskei Dinim 566; Shut Tzemach Tzedek Shaar Hamiluim 8, brought in Shaar Hakolel 9:17; Igros Kodesh 16:313; Luach Kolel Chabad; Hiskashrus 1024 footnote 16
[34] Conclusion of Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid based on the third opinion here.
[35] See Kaf Hachaim 566:28 for a dispute in this matter. He concludes that by a Taanis Tzibur of the fasts of scripture seemingly all agree the Chazzan may say it in Shomeia Tefila. So rules also M”B 566:13; Hiskashrus 1025. However see Admur 119:5 that implies the Chazzan is not to say it at all if there are not enough people in the Shul that are fasting, Vetzaruch Iyun.
[36] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 566:4 for a general overview of this topic.
[37] Bach in name of Aguda; Meiri Megillah 2a; Orchos Chaim [Lunil]; Leket Yosher 114 in name of Terumos Hadeshen; Aruch Hashulchan 566:7; Maharsham 2:97; Daas Torah 69; Sdei Chemed 1 Klalei Haposkim 13:7; Sefer Haminhagim [English] p. 26; Piskei Dinim 566; Shut Tzemach Tzedek Shaar Hamiluim 8, brought in Shaar Hakolel 9:17; Igros Kodesh 16:313; Luach Kolel Chabad; Hiskashrus 1024 footnote 16
Does this apply even if the other seven people in the Minyan ate more than the Shiur? In Sefer Haminhagim ibid and Shut Tzemach Tzedek ibid it states that the above allowance only applies if the other seven people did not eat more than the permitted Shiur of food which is allowed if one is sick and the like. However, in Igros Kodesh ibid, and the Rebbe’s edited edition of Luach Kolel Chabad, this condition was omitted hence implying the condition is not necessary. [Hiskashrus ibid]
[38] Sources in previous footnote
[39] See previous Q&A; The Chasam Sofer 157 rules that one may read the Torah even if there is no one fasting in the congregation.
[40] Zera Emes 86; Keren Ledavid 145; Chelkas Yaakov 3:69; Bitzel Hachachma 1:2; Kinyan Torah 119; Piskeiy Teshuvos 566:4
[41] See Biur Halacha 565:1 “Bein”; M”B 568:3; Piskeiy Teshuvos 565:1
[42] Bach, brought in Elya Raba, Chayeh Adam and Biur Halacha ibid; See Taz 562:1 in name of Bach
[43] Mamar Mordechai; Biur Halacha ibid in his conclusion
[44] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 565:1
[45] M”B 568:3 in name of Nehar Shalom; Shevet Halevi 8:131
[46] Zera Emes 3:62; Yalkut Yosef Moadim p. 535
[47] Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid
[48] Shevet Halevi 8:131; Piskeiy Teshuvos 565:1
[49] Kaf Hachaim 565:2
[50] Brought in Elya Raba 655:1
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