- Sugar and sugarcane:[1]
Sugar from sugarcane: The blessing on sugar that comes from sugarcane[2] [as well as sugarcane[3] itself], is Shehakol [although since some Poskim[4] rule that it is Haeitz, therefore Bedieved if one said Haietz he is Yotzei.[5]]
Beet sugar:[6] The blessing on beet sugar is Shehakol. If one recites Haeitz he is not Yotzei. [However, if he recites Ha’adama then he is Yoztei Bedieved.[7]]
[1] Seder 6:16; Luach 9:20; 1st opinion in Admur 202:20; Michaber 202:15; Rambam Brachos 8:5; M”B 202:76 and Biur Halacha ibid; Ketzos Hashulchan 49:15; Piskeiy Teshuvos 202:33
[2] Globally, about 80% of sugar production comes from sugarcane, while the remaining 20% is derived from sugar beets. However, in the United States, sugar production is fairly balanced between sugarcane and sugar beets. Approximately 55–60% of sugar produced domestically comes from sugar beets, while 40–45% comes from sugarcane. Economic Research Service U.S. Department Of Agriculture Sugar and Sweeteners – Background | Economic Research Service
[3] Sugarcane is a tall, tropical grass belonging to the genus Saccharum. It’s cultivated primarily for its juicy stalks, which are rich in sucrose—a natural sugar used in sweeteners and various products. Sugarcane grows in warm climates and is a major agricultural crop in countries like Brazil, India, Thailand, and the United States. The plant is processed by crushing its stalks to extract the juice. The juice is then purified, concentrated, and crystallized to produce sugar. Beyond sugar production, sugarcane is also used to make molasses, ethanol (a biofuel), and even paper products.
[4] 2nd opinion in Admur 202:20; Tur Bach; Rambam ibid in name of Geonim; Bahag Brachos 6; Hagahos Maimanis Brachos 8 Os Tes in name of Maharam Merothenberg; Taz; Gra;
[5] Lauch ibid; Admur 202:20; Piskei Dinim Tzemach Tzedek 7; Ketzos Hashulchan 49:15 footnote 26 as so rule a number of Rishonim
[6] Piskeiy Teshuvos 202:33
[7] Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid
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