Parshas Bamidbar-Summary of the Parsha

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Parshas Bamidbar

Pesukim: 159 [Siman: חלקיהו]

Haftorah: Hosheia 2:1-22

 Number of Mitzvos: There are no Mitzvos in Parshas Bamidbar.
 The Main Themes:
  • The census taking of the Jewish people, per tribe.
  • The areas of encampments of each tribe.
  • The services of the Levites.


  1. Hashem commands Moshe to take a census of the Jewish people:
  • When: Hashem spoke to Moshe in the Sinai desert in the Ohel Moed on the first day of the second month [i.e. 1st of Iyar] in the second year of leaving Egypt.
  • Who is counted: He commanded him to count the Jewish people according to their families, counting every male who is twenty years of age and above.
  • Choosing tribal leaders: One leader and representative of each tribe shall count with you. The following are the names of these leaders:
  • Reuvein: Elitzur Ben Shedeur
  • Shimon: Shelumiel Ben Tzurishadai
  • Yehuda: Nachshon Ben Amminadav
  • Yissachar: Nisanel Ben Tzuar
  • Zevulun: Eliav Ben Cheilon
  • Ephraim: Elishama Ben Ammihud
  • Minasheh: Gamliel Ben Pedahtzur
  • Binyamin: Avidan Ben Gideoni.
  • Dan: Achiezer Ben Amishaddai
  • Asher: Pagiel Ben Ochran
  • Gad: Eliasaf Ben Deuel
  • Naftali: Achira Ben Einan
  • Moshe took all the above-mentioned individuals and he gathered the entire congregation on the first of the second month and the genealogy of each family was established. All men above 20 years of age were counted as Hashem commanded Moshe.


  1. The census of men in the Twelve tribes above age 20:
  • Reuvein: The census of the tribe of Reuvein, the firstborn of Yaakov, showed a population of 46,500 men above the age of 20.
  • Shimon: The census of the tribe of Shimon showed a population of 59,300 men above the age of 20.
  • Gad: The census of the tribe Gad showed a population of 45,650 men above the age of 20.
  • Yehuda: The census of the tribe of Yehuda showed a population of 74,600 men above the age of 20.
  • Yissachar: The census of the tribe of Yissachar showed a population of 54,400 men above the age of 20.
  • Zevulun: The census of the tribe of Zevulun showed a population of 57,400 men above the age of 20.
  • Ephraim: The census of the tribe of Ephraim showed a population of 40,500 men above the age of 20.
  • Menasheh: The census of the tribe of Menasheh showed a population of 32,200 men above the age of 20.
  • Binyamin: The census of the tribe of Binyamin showed a population of 35,400 men above the age of 20.
  • Dan: The census of the tribe of Dan showed a population of 62,700 men above the age of 20.
  • Asher: The census of the tribe of Asher showed a population of 41,500 men above the age of 20.
  • Naftali: The census of the tribe of Naftali showed a population of 53,400 men above the age of 20.
  • This concludes the census taking of the Jewish people, which was performed by Moshe Aaron and the 12 tribal representatives
  • The total count of men above age 20 within the 12 tribes was 603,550.

  1. The tribe of Levi:
  • No census: Hashem commanded Moshe that the tribe of Levi is not to be counted.
  • Carrying the Mishkan, dismantling and assembling it: You should appoint the Levites to oversee the Mishkan and its vessels. They are to carry it during travel, minister to the vessels, and encamp around the Mishkan. When it’s time to travel the Levites are to dismantle the Mishkan, and when it’s time to encamp they are to erect the Mishkan. A non-Levite who does this service shall die.

  1. The position of encampment and travel of the tribes:
  • The Jewish people are to encamp, each man in the area of their tribe.
  • The Levites are to encamp around the Mishkan. They will guard the Mishkan and prevent wrath from falling upon the Jewish people.
  • The Jewish people did all that Moshe was commanded by G-d.


  • Hashem told Moshe that the following is the order that the Jewish people are to encamp around the Mishkan:
  • In the East: In the east is to encamp the tribes of Yehuda, Yissachar and Zevulun. This camp is led by the tribe of Yehuda. The census of the tribe of Yehuda showed a population of 74,600 [men above the age of 20]. Its leader was Nachshon Ben Aminadav. The census of the tribe of Yissachar showed a population of 54,400 [men above the age of 20]. Its leader was Nesanel Ben Tzuar. The census of the tribe of Zevulun showed a population of 57,400 [men above the age of 20]. Its leader was Eliav Ben Cheilon. The total population for the camp of Yehuda was 186,400 [men above age 20]. They were the first to journey.
  • In the South: At the south is to encamp the tribes of Reuvein, Shimon, and Gad. This camp is led by the tribe of Reuvein. The census of the tribe of Reuvein, showed a population of 46,500 [men above the age of 20]. Its leader was Elitzur Ben Shedeur. The census of the tribe of Shimon showed a population of 59,300 [men above the age of 20]. Its leader was Shelumiel Ben Tzurishaddai. The census of the tribe Gad showed a population of 45,650 [men above the age of 20]. Its leader was Eliasaf Ben Reuel. The total population for the camp of Reuvein was 151,450 [men above age 20]. They were the second to jouney
  • In the West: At the west is to encamp the tribes of Ephraim, Menasheh, and Binyamin. This camp is led by the tribe of Ephraim. The census of the tribe of Ephraim showed a population of 40,500 [men above the age of 20]. The leader of Ephraim was Elishama Ben Amihud. The census of the tribe of Menasheh showed a population of 32,200 [men above the age of 20]. The leader of the tribe of Menasheh was Gamliel Ben Pedahtzur. The census of the tribe of Binyamin showed a population of 35,400 [men above the age of 20]. The leader of the tribe of Binyamin was Avidan Ben Gideoni. The total population for the camp of Ephraim was 108,100 [men above age 20]. They were the third to journey.
  • In the North: At the north is to encamp the tribes of Dan, Asher and Naftali. This camp is led by the tribe of Dan. The census of the tribe of Dan showed a population of 62,700 men above the age of 20. Its leader was Achiezer Ben Amishaddai. The census of the tribe of Asher showed a population of 41,500 men above the age of 20. Its leader was Pagiel Ben Ochran. The census of the tribe of Naftali showed a population of 53,400 men above the age of 20. Its leader was Achira Ben Einan. The total population for the camp of Dan was 157,600 [men above age 20]. They were the last to journey.
  • Traveling order: The Ohel Moed and the Levite camp are to travel in the middle of the camps. All the camps are to travel the same direction and group that they are positioned.
  • The total count [of men above age 20] within the 12 tribes was 603,550. The Levites were not included in this count, as Hashem commanded Moshe.



  1. The descendants of Aaron:
  • The following are the offspring of Aaron and Moshe: Nadav the Bechor, Avihu, Elazar and Itamar. All were anointed as Kohanim. Nadav and Avihu died before Hashem when they offered foreign incense. They did not have children.

  1. The job of the Levites to guard the Mishkan:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying he should appoint the tribe of Levi to be of assistance to Aaron and serve him. They are to guard the Mishkan and its utensils.
  • In exchange for the firstborns: The Levites were taken from amongst the Jewish people in exchange for the firstborns. “The firstborns became Mine on the day I smote the firstborn Egyptians, and I sanctified the firstborn humans and animals to be Mine. The Levites are thus Mine in place of the firstborns.”


  1. The Levite census, their jobs, leaders, and area of encampment:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying he should take a census of the Levites, counting them per family. Every male above the age of one month is to be counted. The following is the census of the families:
  • Gershon: His sons were Livni and Shimi. Their total number of males above the age of one month was 7,500. They encamped behind the Mishkan, to the west. Their family leader was Eliasaf Ben Lael. They were entrusted with the job of [dismantling, carrying, and mantling] the Mishkan and Ohel tapestry coverings, the Chatzer curtains, entrance screen, and its rope.
  • Kehos: His sons were Amram, Yitzhar, Chevron and Uzziel. Their total number of males above the age of one month was 8,600. They encamped on the side of the Mishkan, to the south. Their family leader was Elitzaphan Ben Uzziel. They were entrusted with the job of [dismantling, carrying, and mantling] the Aron, Shulchan, Menorah, Mizbeiach, holy vessles and the screen.
  • The tribal leader of Levi: Elazar the son of Aaron was the tribal leader of the tribe of Levi.
  • Merari: His sons were Machli and Mushi. Their total number of males above the age of one month was 6,200. Their family leader was Tzuriel Ben Avichayil. They encamped north of the Mishkan. They were entrusted with the job of [dismantling, carrying, and mantling] the beams of the Mishkan, its poles, pillars and sockets, and all its accessories. The pillars of the courtyard, their sockets, pegs and ropes.
  • Moshe and Aaron: Moshe, Aaron and their sons encamped in front of the Mishkan, to the east. They guarded it from the Jewish people so no alien enter and die.
  • Total Levite population: The total Levite population was 22,000 males above the age of one month [not including 300 Levites who were themselves firstborns].


  1. Counting of Bechoros:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying he should take a census of the firstborn of the Jewish people, counting all males one month old and above. You shall designate the Levites and their animals for Me in exchange for the firstborns of the Jewish people and their firstborn animals.
  • Moshe counted the firstborns of the Jewish people as Hashem commanded and there were a total of 22,273 firstborn males above the age of one month.

  1. Redeeming the Bechoros with the Levites:
  • Hashem commanded Moshe to exchange the Levites and their animals for the firstborns of the Jewish people and their firstborn animals, and they shall be for Me.
  • For the redemption of the 273 Israelite firstborns who are in surplus to the Levite count, you shall take five Shekalim per head, each Shekel being the worth of 20 Geira. Give the money to Aaron and his sons.
  • Moshe took the money from the surplus firstborns and gave it to Aaron and his sons as Hashem commanded. It was a total sum of 1,365 Shekel.


  1. The census and services of the Levite family of Kehos:
  • Hashem commanded Moshe to count all the male members of the Kehos family who are between the ages of 30-50. They were appointed with the following tasks to be done after the Kohanim performed their tasks. The task of the Kehos family serviceman is considered holy of holies.

  1. The tasks of the Kohanim in preparing the Mishkan for travel:
  • Preparing the Aron for travel: When the camp travels, Aaron and his sons are to take down the Paroches and cover the Aron with it. A Tachash leather cover is to be placed on top of it, and a turquoise [i.e. Techeiles] wool cover on top of that.
  • Preparing the Shulchan for travel: The Shulchan is to be covered with a turquoise wool cover and have its vessels placed on top of it. This includes the dishes, spoons, supports, tubes, and bread. On top of them they shall spread a scarlet wool covering, and a Tachash leather cover is to be placed on top of that.
  • Preparing the Menorah for travel: The Menorah and all its vessels are to be covered with a turquoise wool cover. This includes the lamps, tongs, and scoops, and all the vessels of its oil. All this is then to be placed into a Tachash hide cover and place it on the pole.
  • Preparing the gold Mizbeiach for travel: The gold altar is to be covered with a turquoise wool cover, which is then to be covered by a Tachash hide cover.
  • Preparing the service vessels of the Mishkan for travel: All the service vessels which are used in the Mishkan [for Ketores] are to be placed into a turquoise cloth, which is then to be covered by a Tachash hide cover and placed on the pole. 
  • Preparing the copper Mizbeiach for travel: The [copper] altar is to be cleaned of ash and then have an Argamon [i.e. purple] wool cloth placed over it. All its vessels are to be placed on it, which include the firepans, forks, shovels and basins. They are to then cover it with a Tachash hide cover.
  • The Kehos family’s job of carrying the vessels: After Aaron and his sons complete the wrapping of the vessels of the Mishkan, the Kehos family servicemen are to come and carry it. [They are not to carry it before it is properly covered] lest they touch the holy and die.
  • Elazar’s position: Elazar the son of Aaron was appointed the task of carrying the illuminating oil, the incense spices, the Mincha, and anointing oil. He was also appointed to oversee the work of the Kehos family.
  • Hashem told Moshe and Aaron not to cause the Kehos family to become extinct upon them coming to do the service with the Kodesh Hakedoshim. To prevent this they are to oversee everyone’s job [and make sure the vessels are properly covered before they come].

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