9. Standing versus sitting during Davening

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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9. Standing versus sitting during Davening:

One is to stand by the following areas of Davening:

  1. Birchas Hashachar
  2. Hashem Melech
  3. Baruch Sheamar
  4. Mizmor Lesoda
  5. Vayivarech David-Az Yashir
  6. Shemoneh Esrei. See Chapter 26 Halacha 12 for the full details of this subject!

Karbanos: There is no need to stand for the recital of Karbanos.

Birchas Shema: The Kedusha of Yotzer may be said in either a standing or sitting position. However, if one is already sitting, then he is not to stand for its recital. Furthermore, based on Kabala, one is to say it specifically in a sitting position [and sit down even if he is standing]. This is aside for the Chazan who recites it while standing.

Shema:[1] The Shema may be read in any position, whether standing, or sitting, lying completely on one’s side, or walking, or riding on an animal. See Chapter 25 Halacha 6 for the full details of this subject!

Tachanun: The custom is to sit down while performing Nefilas Apayim, although to stand during the recital of Viduiy. Hence, one recites the paragraphs up until the Psalm of Ledavid Eilecha in a standing position and upon reaching the Psalm of Ledavid Eilecha he is to sit down. On Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, one is to remain sitting until he recites the words “Vanachnu Lo Neida” after which it is proper for him to stand and recite the continuation from “Mah Naaseh” in a standing position. On Mondays and Thursdays one is to stand for the recital of Vehu Rachum.

[1] Admur 63:1-4; Ketzos Hahsulchan 19:14

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