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8. What is the law if one transgressed the Shehiyah restrictions and left a pot over a flame in a case that it was prohibited to do so?[1]
In all places that it was explained that it is forbidden to leave food/liquid on the fire for Shabbos then if one transgressed and left it on the fire, even if this was done inadvertently[2], such as that one forgot to remove it before Shabbos or that he thought it was allowed, then nevertheless the food is forbidden for himself and for others to eat until enough time has passed after Shabbos for it to have been able to have cooked.[3]
One who does not have anything to eat other then cooked food which was left on the oven in a prohibited way:[4] If one does not have anything else at all to eat on Shabbos besides for this food alone, then if it was left there inadvertently, he is allowed to eat it due to the honor which is required to be shown for Shabbos, being that it is forbidden to fast on Shabbos.
[1] Admur 253:12
[2] Chapter 253 Halacha 12
[3] Meaning if it takes 90 minutes to make such a dish, then one must wait until 90 minutes after Shabbos to be allowed to eat it.
[4] Chapter 254 Halacha 8
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