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5. Tikkun Keli by foods:[1]
A. For the sake of using as a vessel:
Animal food [which includes all foods which are edible to animals[2]] does not contain within it [the prohibition of] fixing a vessel [and is permitted to be moved being that it is edible[3]].[4]
The reason:[5] As animal fodder is soft and do not last, as will be explained in chapter 322 [Halacha 4[6]], in a case that one modifies the food to become an independent vessel, being that it is not at all common to initially make a vessel out of food, due to the fact that it does not last long.
Using straw or hay as a toothpick: Therefore, it is permitted to cut even with a knife [even into a particular measurement[7]] straw or hay and [use it] to pick his teeth [i.e. to use as a toothpick].
Using a twig as a toothpick: However, a twig which is not animal food, even to take it in order to pick his teeth is forbidden [due to it being Muktzah, and to cut a piece off is forbidden also due to the fixing a vessel prohibition[8]].
Plucking a leaf from a branch to use as a funnel:[9] Plucking a leaf from a detached[10] branch in order to place it into the hole of the barrel, is prohibited due to [the prohibition of] “fixing a vessel”, as any item which is altered on Shabbos, so it be fit to be used for a given purpose carries with it [the prohibition of] “fixing a vessel”.
The reason for why this is forbidden even if the leaf can be used for animal fodder:[11] Even if the leaf is soft and is [thus] fit to be eaten by animals, nevertheless it is prohibited to pluck it due to “fixing a vessel”. As [the Sages] only said that [modifying] animal fodder [into a vessel] does not carry with it the prohibition of “fixing a vessel” being that they are soft and do not last, as will be explained in chapter 322 [Halacha 4[12]], in a case that one modifies the food to become an independent vessel, such as cutting a piece of straw to use as a toothpick in which case it is not considered like one is fixing a vessel being that it is not at all common to initially make a vessel out of food, due to the fact that it does not last long. However, it is common to [use food] to modify through it a vessel that is already made, such as to place the leaf in the hole of the barrel which is already made. Therefore, when one plucks [the leaf out from the detached branch] for this purpose this removal carries with it [the Biblical[13] prohibition of] “fixing a vessel”.
B. For the sake of a Mitzvah:
Plucking the grapes off a Hadas:[14] It is forbidden to pluck the grapes off an invalid Hadas branch on Yom Tov of Sukkos if one is doing so in order to validate the branch. Furthermore, even if one is not doing so in order to validate the branch, but rather in order to eat the grapes, but this is the only branch one has to fulfill the Mitzvah, then nevertheless it is forbidden to do so. This prohibition is due to Tikkun Keli, of which it is forbidden to be done even if one has no intent to do so, [being that one does plan to benefit from the vessel that his action created].[15] If However, one does need to use this Hadas for the Mitzvah, being he has other valid Hadassim available, then it is permitted to pluck the grapes from the Hadas for the purpose of eating being one is not fixing anything he has no use for it.[16]
C. For the sake of eating:
There is no prohibition of Makeh Bepatish/Tikkun Keli in fixing foods for the sake of eating.[17] One may thus do any permitted action to a food even if that action makes it edible, such as to pour cold water on salted fish[18], or to rub animal fodder and make it edible.[19] However, there are other prohibitions relevant to fixing foods such as Boneh[20], Memacheik, Borer, and Bishul.
D. Boneh by foods:
See Chapter 2 Halacha 1E
E. Example-Hanging the Matzah of Afikoman came from a hole:[21]
Some are accustomed to make a hole inside of the Matzah for the sake of hanging it. It is permitted to do so even on [Shabbos or] Yom Tov, and it is not forbidden due to Tikkun Keli.[22] [Practically, it is not the Chabad custom to do so.]
Summary of Tikkun Keli by foods: All foods that are edible for animals do not contain the Tikkun Keli prohibition and may thus be cut for the purpose of making a use out of the torn piece, so long as one does not attach the piece to a vessel. |
Q&A May one fix a vessel through using food parts, such as to carve a piece of vegetable to be fit to be used as a funnel for a barrel?[23] No, doing so may be Biblically forbidden.
May one cut a medicine in half [for one who may take medicine on Shabbos], such as to achieve a smaller dose for a child and the like?[24] Yes. The prohibition of Tikkun Keli does not apply by medicine just as it does not apply towards food, and hence one may cut it to a small size for Shabbos use.[25] Suppository: There is no prohibition in cutting a suppository in half on Shabbos.[26] |
Other topics of prohibitions due to Tikkun Keli:
- Tikkun keli by folding clothing
- Tikkun keli by immersing things in a mikveh
- Tikkun keli by bathing in mikveh
[1] Michaber 322:4
[2] M”B 322:9
[3] M”B 322:10
[4] Michaber ibid; Mishneh Beitza 33b
[5] Admur 314:11; Ran Beitza 19
[6] Of the Michaber. This chapter of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch did not make it to print.
[7] In which case it would normally contain the cutting prohibition, although here it is allowed being that it is a food, and by foods the cutting prohibition is not applicable. [M”B 322:12]
[8] If done with one’s hand it is Rabbinically forbidden, and if done with a vessel is Biblically forbidden. [M”B 13]
[9] Admur 314:11; See Michaber 314:5
[10] Meaning we do not suspect that one will come to pluck a leaf from a tree, However, from a branch that had been previously cut off, we do suspect.
[11] Admur 314:11; M”A 314:6; Ran ibid; M”B 322:11 in name of Ran; Chayeh Adam
[12] Of the Michaber. This chapter of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch did not make it to print.
[13] So is implied from Admur ibid and so rules M”B 322:11 in name of Nishmas Adam
[14] Admur 646:12-13; See Michaber 646:11; M”A 646:2
[15] Admur 646:12
[16] Admur 646:13
[17] Admur 318:11; 324:4; M”B 318 in Biur Halacha “Hadachasan”; Ketzos Hashulchan 130 pp. 21-31; Igros Moshe 3:52; Malbushei Yom Tov 318:9; Avnei Nezer 419; See Shabbos Kehalacha 3 p. 296-303!
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that the prohibition of Tikkun Keli does apply to making foods edible. [Levush 318:4; Peri Megadim 318 A”A 16 [brought in Biur Halacha ibid]; Shevisas Hashabbos; Chayeh Adam 20:5; Rav Poalim 16; Maharshag 51; Shevet Halevi 8:54] The Biur Halacha ibid negates their opinion stating “it is a “Davar Chadash” that is not found in previous Poskim and there are many contradictions to this assertion and hence one is not to be stringent at all”. See Shabbos Kehalacha 3 p. 296-303!
[18] Admur 318:11; Taz 318:5; Mishneh Berurah 318:36; Ketzos Hashulchan 124:24
Other opinions: See above!
[19] Admur 324:4
Other opinions: See above!
[20] See Admur 319:26; See Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 80:25 who learns this from the Magen Avraham 340:17 which rules that pressing figs together and smoothening them down to beautify their appearance involves the Building prohibition. Other Poskim However, [Cheishev Haeiphod 2:77; Daas Torah 321, and so is apparently the opinion of the M”B and Ketzos Hashulchan [146 p. 12] which do not mention this prohibition in their summary and commentary of the above Halacha in the Rama] rule that this prohibition of building stated by the Magen Avraham only applies by pressing hard items together and making them into one unit. However, to spread something nicely does not resemble in any way the building prohibition but is rather only proper to avoid due to the smoothening prohibition as rules the Rama.
[21] Admur 477:11 [See Admur 500:11]; M”A 500:7; Chok Yaakov 476:3
[22] The reason: Making a hole inside of the Matzah does not consist of a prohibition of making a hole on Yom Tov, as even on Shabbos This prohibition is not applicable to foods but rather to wood stones and metals and the like (of items which are fit to make vessels out of them. See chapter 314:2). [Admur ibid]
[23] M”B 322:11
[24] SSH”K 33 footnote 36 in name of Rav SZ”A; Piskeiy Teshuvos 328:39; 322 footnote 20 [New]
[25] See Michaber 322:4 “Animal food does not contain within it [the prohibition of] fixing a vessel.”; Admur 314:11 “ As animal fodder is soft and does not last, as will be explained in chapter 322 [Halacha 4 ], in a case that one modifies the food to become an independent vessel, being that it is not at all common to initially make a vessel out of food, due to the fact that it does not last long.”
[26] The reason: Being that this is similar to food which does not contain a cutting prohibition. [SSH”K ibid]
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