23. Using the Shofar on a regular weekday for mundane purposes

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23. Using the Shofar on a regular weekday for mundane purposes:[1]

During a regular weekday one may use the Shofar for mundane purposes. Nevertheless, since it is designated for a Mitzvah one must act with respect and not use it for any degrading tasks.[2]


[1] Admur 588:5; So rule regarding Chanukah candles: Questioner in Mishnas Sachir ibid; Kinyan Torah 6:47 that even the Bach only forbade belittling usage and not all mundane usage, and hence even according to the P”M it is allowed

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that rule that a Shofar which one plans to use for the coming year retains its holiness and may not be used for other purposes. [P”M 21 A”A 1 in name of Bach; Mishnas Sachir 2:205; See Kinyan Torah 6:47]

[2] Admur 586:27

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