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2. Final prayers:
A. Saying Viduiy; asking forgiveness; Blessing children:
See Chapter 1 Halacha 12-13!
B. Learning Torah:[1]
One who is present at the time that the ill person is nearing death is to speak with him words of Torah in order so he deceases from this world to the next world with words of Torah.
C. Final prayers:
One is to wash the hands of the Goses and he is to recite the Psalm of Mizmor Havu LaHashem Bnei Eilim and the prayer of Elokaiy Neshama.[2] There are numerous other prayers which are recited, and are recorded in the Sefer Mavor Yabok[3], of which a list will be brought below. [The full prayers are brought in the end of this chapter. The prayers are to be said by those nearby, and mainly by the ill person, if this is possible. The bystanders are to stare at the face of the person as his soul leaves his body.[4] ]
List of Prayers for the final moments:
1. Vayehi Noam three times
2. Psalm 121
3. Psalm 130
4. Psalm 91
5. Adon Olam
6. Ana B’koach[5]
7. V’al Ken Ne’kaveh
If there is not much time remaining, then one is to begin from the prayer of Adon Olam, and if there is even less time remaining, one is to begin with Shema Yisrael. As the soul departs, those who are present are to say the following out loud:[6] 1. Shema Yisrael. 2. Baruch Sheim [three times silently]. 3. Hashem Hu Haelokim [seven times]. 4. Hashem Melech [one time]. |
[1] Sefer Chassidim 448; Chochmas Adam 151:16; Poskim in Nitei Gavriel 3:2 footnote 2
[2] Beis Lechem Yehuda 339
[3] See Mavor Yabok Sifsei Tzedek 7; Darkei Chesed p. 259; Nitei Gavriel 3:14 footnote 24
[4] Nitei Gavriel 3:15 footnote 25
[5] It is a tradition to recite Ana Bekoach as one reaches the final moments of his life. Many Jews during the times of the Holocaust recited this as their last prayer prior to being killed. [Darkei Chesed ibid]
[6] Mavor Yabok Sifsei Tzedek 25; Nitei Gavriel 3:15 footnote 25
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