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16. May one lift up a child that has a Muktzah object in his hand?[1]
A. When the child has a stone in his hand:
One may lift his child in a private domain, [even if] there is a stone in [the child’s] hand, [as] this is not considered as if one is carrying the stone in his hand. [However] this only applies if it is impossible to [avoid lifting up the child without the stone[2]], such as for example if his child has a [strong] longing for [the parent to lift him up] and [thus] if he does not lift him up the child will get sick[3], [as in such a situation it is permitted to lift him up with the stone] as the [Sages] did not decree against moving [a Muktzah item] without using ones actual hands in a situation where there is danger of [it causing] illness.[4] As well [the situation here is discussing] that it is not possible to remove the stone out of the hands of the child, as [if he does so then the child] will scream and cry.[5]
If the child does not care to be lifted:[6] However if the child does not currently long [to be picked up] then it is forbidden to lift him [with the stone].
The reason for this prohibition:[7] It is not similar to other [cases] of moving a forbidden [Muktzah] object, which moves consequently through one moving in his hands a permitted [non-Muktzah] object that is with [the Muktzah object], in which the [Sages] permitted [to move in cases that] it is impossible to shake off the prohibited item from the permitted one, as was explained. [The reason that it is not similar is] because the [Sages] only permitted this [to be done] when one needs to use the permitted item, however here [in a case that child does not long to be lifted it is forbidden to lift him up with the stone as] it is not considered such a necessity to lift up the child when the child is not longing to be lifted.
B. When the child has money in his hand:[8]
Even in a case that the child longs for his parent, it was only permitted [to lift him up when he is] with a stone. However, if he has a coin in his hand it is forbidden even to hold him by the hand while he [the child] is walking in a private domain.[9]
The reason for this is: due to a decree that perhaps the coin will fall from the child’s hand and the father will forget [that it is Shabbos] and pick it up, which ends up that he has moved [a] Muktzah [item in] a completely[10] [forbidden form of] moving, and [by a case that one may come to] completely move [something Muktzah], [the Sages] suspected [for this] and decreed [against lifting up the child], even in a situation that there is a danger of [it causing] illness, being that his life is not in danger if he is not lifted up[11].
May one lift up a child that has a Muktzah object in his hand? When the child has a stone in his hand:[12] One is permitted to lift a child that has a stone in his hand if a) The child is longing to be held and b) If the stone were to be removed from the child’s hand [without directly touching the stone] prior to lifting him then he would cry. However, if the child does not now long to be picked up then it is forbidden to lift him with the stone even if it will make the child cry to remove from him the stone. When the child has money in his hand:[13] Then even in a private domain it is forbidden even to hold him by his hand, never mention to lift him up, even if the child is crying. This is due to a decree that that perhaps the coin will fall from the child’s hand and the father will forget [that it is Shabbos] and pick it up.
If the stone fell from the child’s hands, may the father give the child the stone if he is crying?[14] No. However, he may have the child pick up the stone, and then pick him back up if the child is crying. |
[1] Admur 309:1; Michaber 309:1; Mishneh Shabbos 141b
[2] Lit. “In any other fashion”
[3] Admur ibid; Michaber ibid
[4] Admur ibid; M”A 309:1; M”B 309:2
[5] Admur ibid; M”A 309:1; M”B 309:2
[6] Admur ibid; Michaber ibid
[7] Admur ibid; based on Tosafus ibid; However the M”B 309:2 explains this is considered as if he is holding the Mukztah in his hand, Vetzaruch Iyun why!
[8] Admur 309:2; Michaber 309:1
[9] Admur ibid; 1st opinion in Michaber ibid; Bach 309
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule it is permitted to hold the hands of the child and only lifting up the child is forbidden. [Ran in name of Ramban; 2nd opinion in Michaber ibid; Elya Raba brought in Biur Halacha 309:1 “Veyeish Omrim”]
[10] Meaning a direct moving with one’s hands as opposed to indirect moving, through lifting up the child.
[11] Meaning that the illness is not life threatening.
[12] Admur 309:1
[13] Admur 309:2
[14] M”B 309:2
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