12. Viduy and other prayers

12. Viduy and other prayers:

A. The laws and customs of Viduy:[1]

The importance of Viduy: All those who confess their sins receive a portion in the world to come.[2] Saying the Viduy is helpful for one’s recovery, as sincere repentance brings merit to the person and can nullify a severe decree from Heaven.[3]

Who recites Viduy? Viduy is recited by both men and women of any age who are ill.

When to recite Viduy?[4] When the ill person is nearing death, he is to be told to confess his sins. [He is not to be told to confess prior to reaching the state of close to death.[5] It is, however, important to get the ill person to recite Viduiy before he reaches a state that he cannot speak, and certainly before he enters an unconscious state. Viduiy is to be recited by him while he still maintains a clear mind and has the strength to recite the Viduy properly.[6] One should not delay reciting Viduy out of fear that it is a bad omen.]

Is it recited on Shabbos and Yom Tov?[7] Viduy may be recited on any day, including Shabbos and Yom Tov.

Persuading the ill person to recite Viduy:[8] The sick person is to be told “Many people who have recited the Viduy and have not died [and instead have gone on to live many long years] and many people who have not recited Viduy have died. In the merit that you will confess, you will live.” [One is not to tell the ill person to confess because he is nearing death.[9] It is a great Mitzvah to talk to the sick person and persuade him to recite Viduy while he is still in a proper state of mind, as stated above.[10]]

If the ill person cannot speak:[11] If the ill person is unable to verbally confess, then he is to confess in his heart [i.e. mind]. [It is important to get the ill person to recite Viduy before he reaches a state that he cannot speak, and certainly before he enters an unconscious state.]

Who may be present:[12] One is not to say Viduy in the presence of ignoramuses, or women and children, as this may lead them to cry [and cause hysteria, and they will cause the ill person to panic]. [It goes without saying that those who cannot control their crying are to leave the area while Viduy is recited.]

How to recite it-Washing hands; Wearing Tzitzis; wearing a Gartel: It is customary to wash one’s hands prior to reciting Viduy.[13] [This is done similar to the morning washing.] One is likewise to wear Tzitzis.[14] Some are accustomed to wear a Gartel while reciting it.[15] One is to give charity prior to confessing.[16]


May a person recite Viduiy if he is dirty with excrement or urine?[17]

An ill person is to be clean of feces and urine when reciting Viduiy. If he is unable to do so, it is to be recited without Hashem’s name.



B. The Nussach of Viduy:

Viduy may be recited in any language that one understands. One is to perform complete Teshuvah upon reciting it.[18]

The long version: The following version of Viduy is written by the Michaber in Shulchan Aruch chapter 338:2. [The Ramban has a longer version of Viduy which he received from Chassidim and Anshei Maaseh. This version is recorded later on in this chapter together with all the Viduy prayers.]

מודה אני לפניך ה׳ אלוקי׳ ואלוקי אבותי שרפואתי בידך ומיתתי בידך יהי רצון מלפניך שתרפאני רפואה שלימה, ואם אמות תהא מיתתי כפרה על כל החטאים עונות ופשעים, שחטאתי ושעויתי ושפשעתי לפניך, ותן חלקי בגן עדן, וזכני לעולם הבא הצפון לצדיקים.

The short version:[19] One who does not know how to confess [or is unable to say the long Nussach for whatever reason] is to be told to say, “Let my death be an atonement for all my sins.”

Yom Kippur confession:[20] If the sick person desires, he may lengthen in his recital of Viduy and recite the confession prayer said on Yom Kippur. The Nussach of the Yom Kippur Viduy is brought below.

Additional prayers added: There are various customs concerning the order of the Viduy prayers. Some recite the Viduy of the Ramban [brought below] which contains different psalms and verses, as well as a much longer confession prayer.

C. Moda’ah:

Many are accustomed to reciting a Moda’ah[21] together with Viduiy. [The Nussach is recorded below].

D. Asking for forgiveness from others:[22]

Before reciting the Viduy, one should endeavor to ask forgiveness from those whom he may have hurt, or caused pain to. He is also to ask others to pray on his behalf.

E. Blessing one’s children and giving them final directives:[23]

The sick person is to bless his children prior to his passing. He is to wash his hands and place them on the head of his children and recite Birchas Kohanim. He is also to direct them to follow the path of Torah and Mitzvos

[1] Michaber 338:1

[2] Michaber ibid; Mishneh Sanhedrin 43b

[3] See Michaber ibid “Many have confessed and have lived. In the merit that you will confess, you will live.”; Mavor Yabok Mamar Imrei Noam 15 “Confession many times lessens the illness, as it sweetens the judgment”;

[4] Michaber 338:1; Shabbos 32a

[5] Shach 338:1

[6] Beis Lechem Yehuda 338 in name of Sefer Zichronos: “It is a great Mitzvah to talk to the sick person and persuade him to recite Viduiy while he is still in a clear state of mind, and not to delay until he reaches a state of unconsciousness. A Choleh that has alacrity precedes and recites the Viduy and supplications early while he still has strength available.”; Shlah Pesachim

[7] Mishmeres Shalom Vav 1; Nitei Gavriel 1:8 footnote 9 in name of Poskim

[8] Michaber ibid; Ramban in Toras Hadam

[9] Shach 338:1; Perisha 338

The reason: As this can break his heart and worsen his condition. [ibid]

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that the ill person is to be told to confess because he is nearing death. [Bach 338, brought in Shach ibid]

[10] Beis Lechem Yehuda 338 in name of Sefer Zichronos

[11] Michaber 338:1; Tur 338

[12] Michaber 338:1

[13] Seder Viduiy of Ramban, printed in Darkei Chesed p. 286; See Beis Lechem Yehuda 338 in name of Sefer Chassidim: “Tzadikim are accustomed to wash their hands prior to passing away”

[14] Seder Viduiy of Ramban, printed in Darkei Chesed p. 286

[15] Nitei Gavriel 1:10

[16] Mavor Yabok Sifsei Tzadik 10

[17] See Shaar Hatziyon 606:22; Nitei Gavriel 1:9

[18] Seder Viduiy of Ramban, printed in Darkei Chesed p. 286

[19] Rama 338:1

[20] Rama 338:2; Kol Bo

[21] A Moda’ah is a proclamation made in front of witnesses in which the sick person states that if at the end of his life the Satan seduces him to deny G-d, it should be viewed as nullified and void. The reason there is worry for such an event is because at the end of one’s life, the Satan tries to persuade a person to deny G-d. See Shlah Miseches Pesachim 147a; Mishmeres Shalom Mem 70; Nitei Gavriel 1:11

[22] Seder Viduy of Ramban, printed in Darkei Chesed p. 286; Mavor Yaabok Sifsei Tzedek 9

[23] Mavor Yaabok Sifsei Tzedek 9

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