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Moving vessels which are made up, or appear to be made up[1], of assembled parts[2]:
Moving a candelabra: A candelabra, whether large or small, if made up of assembled parts, is forbidden to be moved even for the sake of using it [for a permitted use] or for its space, even though one had not lit it for the current Shabbos.
The reason for this is because: [The Sages] suspect that perhaps it will fall from his hands and will become detached and he will reattach it, and will attach it and enforce it with strength, and will be liable for “Building”, as will be explained in chapter 313 [Halacha 2].
A single piece candelabra which appears to be made of assembled parts: Furthermore, even if they are not made of assembled parts but rather have indentations around them, thus making it appear like it is made of assembled parts, it is forbidden to be moved due to a decree that perhaps the onlooker will say that it is made of assembled parts and will then come to allow [moving] even [a candelabra] made of assembled parts.
A small candelabra which contains indentations and all know is not made of assembled parts: Furthermore, even if it is very small, in which it is not common at all to make it of assembled parts, and everyone knows that [the area which makes it look like it’s made of assembled parts] is merely indentations, nevertheless [it is forbidden to be moved being that] the Sages did not wish to differentiate between in their decree between a large [candelabra] and small.
Moving other vessels made of assembled parts[3]: All the above is in reference to a candelabra and the like of it, by those vessels which are common to dissemble upon falling. However vessels which do not commonly dissemble upon falling, such as cups [made of assembled parts] and the like, are permitted to be moved, even in a case that [if they were to dissemble] it is forbidden to reassemble the parts , as will be explained in chapter 313 [Halacha 21].
Moving a candelabra made of weakly assembled parts:[4] Furthermore even a candelabra of assembled parts, if its parts are always loose, as it is not ordinary to assemble them strongly, it is permitted to move them and even to reinsert their parts if they fell out, as will be explained there [313/21] see there for the reason.
Summary-Moving vessels which are made up, or appear to be made up[5], of assembled parts:
Vessels which are made up or appear to be made up, of assembled parts are forbidden to be moved for any purpose. Furthermore, even if all know that it in truth is not made up of assembled parts [but it appears to be made up of them], they are forbidden to be moved.[6] This is because the item may disassemble due to a fall, and one may then come to assemble them and transgress the building prohibition. However if the parts of this vessel are always only weekly attached, and this is the ordinary way of attaching them, then it has the same laws as do all other vessels, and are not Muktzah.[7]
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