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Must one urinate in private with a closed door and without other people present? What about urinals?
Must one urinate in private with a closed door?[1]
From the letter of the law, there is no need to be particular about urinating in private with a closed door.[2] Practically however when one is able to urinate in private, in closed doors, he should do so. Thus those that build bathrooms with urinals should place a ledge between the urinals for privacy purposes, and if one has the ability to urinate in a closed stall then he should do so rather than by a urinal, and certainly rather than do so outside.
[1] Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah 3:47; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 3 footnote 22
[2] Admur Basra 3:5; Kama 3:18; See however Kama 3:19 and Basra 3:5 that one is to go to the side, and hence some laws of privacy are applicable even when urinating.
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