- Question: [Tuesday, 26th Tammuz, 5781]
Is one required a Sheva Brachos meal every single day of Sheva Brachos?
No, there is no requirement to make a Sheva Brachos meal every single day of Sheva Brachos, although this is the widespread custom of Jewry today. Practically, one should try to arrange it each day, unless it is difficult to achieve.
Explanation: There is no intrinsic obligation to have a meal each day of Sheva Brachos with ten men and a Panim Chadashos so the seven blessings can be said by Birchas Hamazon, as there is no obligation to recite the seven blessings once a day. Rather, the obligation is simply that if during the meal that is anyways taking place there happens to be 10 men and a Panim Chadashos, then one is obligated to recite the seven blessings. There is, however, no obligation to initially arrange for there to be 10 men. In fact, in the previous generation in Europe and Russia, it was not accustomed to have a meal each day, and rather only on Shabbat. The Rebbe Rayatz stated that the custom in Russia was to have a meal only on Shabbat, and on the 7th day. Nonetheless, the custom today is to try to arrange for there to be 10 men by the meal in order to recite the seven blessings.
Sources: See Rashal Kesubos 1:12; Tumim, brought in Pischeiy Teshuvah C.M. 7:13; Chasam Sofer E.H. 122; Rav Poalim 4 E.H. 6; Aruch Hashulchan O.C. 640:14; Kinyan Torah 2:107; Nitei Gavrile Nissuin 83:3
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