From the Ravs Desk: Latest articles and Q&A [Sunday 26th Teves 5785]

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You may cry on Shabbos in order to relieve pain. If you plan or contemplate planning, on attending the funeral or burial, or will be involved in the funeral or burial arrangements, then you have the status of an Onen, which means that on Shabbos you may not study Torah, get an Aliyah, bathe, or have marital relations. However, you may eat meat and wine, Daven and say blessings as usual, and you are to begin saying the Mourners Kaddish, after each prayer. Towards the leave of Shabbos, prior to nightfall, you should Daven Maariv and say Havdala without a candle or spices [if the burial will not take place Motzei Shabbos]. As soon as Shabbos is over, you may no longer Daven or say blessings etc. until after the funeral, although you are to continue to say Kaddish. In the event you do not plan on attending the funeral or burial, and the arrangements for the burial are being taken care of by somebody else and the funeral and burial is taking place in another country, then you are to begin Shiva on Shabbos, and after Shabbos you are to Daven at home with a Minyan just like you would do by any Shiva.



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