From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Watering plants on Chol Hamoed; 2) Writing list of reminders on Chol Hamoed; 3) Sewing a button on Chol Hamoed 4) Arava with missing leaves; 5) Not sure how many times I shook the Lulav; 6) Hallel and Hoshanos with microphone 7) Davening in house versus in Sukkah 8) Spitting by Aleinu in Sukkah 9) Shaking Lulav before Davening versus after Shemoneh Esrei when Davening alone at home.

  1. Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781]

I own two plants that are growing beautifully but need to be watered daily. May I do so on Chol Hamoed?



Yes, you may do so to prevent damage of the plant. You may not add more water than necessary

Sources: Michaber 537:1; Tur 537; Mishneh Moed Katan 2a “Mashkin Beis Hashlachin Bamoed”; Kitzur SHU”A 104:8; See Moed Katan 6b and Rishonim there; Shut Hamabit 2:64; Kaf Hachaim 537:13; Chazon Ish 134:14; Beir Moshe 7:107; Chol Hamoed Kehilchaso 11:9; Piskeiy Teshuvos 537:3; Shemiras Hamoed Kehilchaso 7


  1. Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781]

May I write a list of reminders on Chol Hamoed, such as a purchase list and the like?



Yes, you may do so if the list is needed for the Moed such as by a purchase list to get things from the store for the Holiday. However, in such a case, one should write at least the first line in a slant. Likewise, one may write Mitzva related subjects, such as [i.e. Torah thoughts].

Sources: See Rama 545:5; M”A 545:21; M”B 545:34-35; Bach; Taz; Elya Raba; M”B 545:35; See Michaber 545:5 regarding Sheilas Shalom and Prakmatya; M”B 545:4 and 30; SSH”K 66:11


  1. Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781]

A button fell off my Kapata, may I sew it on Chol Hamoed?



Yes you may sew it on Chol Hamoed with a Shinuiy if you are embarrassed to walk out wearing the Kapata without the button, and you have no other Kapata available. A Shinuiy means to sew only two out of the four holes of the button, or in a loose manner.

Sources: See Michaber and Rama 541:5; Moed Katan 8b; Makor Chaim 541:4; Beir Moshe 7:89; SSH”K 66:51; Chol Hamoed Kehilchaso 8:82; Piskeiy Teshuvos 542:5


  1. Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781]

How many leaves must my Arava have to remain Kosher, and how often must a check it? Basically, I undid my Lulav to fix the organization of the branches and noticed that my Arav had barely any leaves left.



Indeed, the Arava only remains Kosher so long as it contains majority leaves throughout its 24 centimeter height measuring from its top. If majority of the leaves in this area have fallen, the Arava is Pasul. Accordingly, it is suggested to a) Buy a number of sets of Aravos before Sukkos for you to have spare in case it needs to be changed. B) Check your Lulav daily to make sure that the Aravos are still intact with majority leaves.

Sources: See Admur 647:5; Michaber 647:2; Tur 647; Mishneh Sukkah 33b as understands Rosh Sukkah 3:13; Zechor Leavraham 6 Lulav; Mishnas Yaakov 647; Nitei Gavriel 22:4; Hisorerus Teshuvah 3; See Admur 646:3 regarding the Hadas that the majority Meshulash leaves are only required within their Shiur of 24 cm!



  1. Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781]

What am I to do if I am unsure how many times I shook the Lulav in a certain direction? With all the shakes I commonly get confused if I already did 3 times or not and hence add one more just in case?



According to Kabbalah it seems that one is to shake the Lulav a total of 18 times, not more or less. Likewise, in Hallel one is to do a total of 72 shakes, not more nor less. Accordingly, Admur writes in the Siddur who said a blessing on the Lulav after Shacharis, prior to Hallel, is to only shake the Lulav three times in Hallel, omitting the shaking in the 2nd Ana Hashem. Thus, it would seem that if one is unsure as to which number shake he is up to, that he should simply shake it with a Tnaiy in mind that if he already shook three times, then the coming shake is not for the Mitzvah, and if he did, then he is doing so for the Mitzvah.

Sources: See Siddur Admur before Hallel; Raya Mihemna Zohar 3 228b; Shaar Hakolel 37:2; Siddur ibid with notes of Rav Raskin footnote 14


  1. Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781]

We are doing a covid 19 safe outdoor Minyan and we need to use a microphone so everyone can hear the Chazan. We make sure that at least ten people are close enough to the Chazan to hear his natural voice, but my question is regarding what to do by Hallel and Hoshanos., as I understand that one should not be holding anything in his hand other than the Daled Minim, due to Bal Tosif?



There is no issue with holding a microphone during Hallel or Hoshanos, and it is not considered Bal Tosif, being that one has no intent to take it for the sake of a Mitzvah or for the shaking, and it is no different then holding a Siddur or Hoshanos paper in ones hand during Hallel/Hoshanos, which is the widespread custom of the world. Now, although we rule that the prohibition of Bal Tosif Rabbinically applies even when one has no intent to take the extra item for the Mitzvah, being that it nevertheless appears that way to others, nonetheless by a microphone/Siddur it is apparent to all as to why it is being held, and is hence no different than a rubber band which is used to tie the Daled Minim, in which case we rule it is permitted even Rabbinically.  

Sources: See Admur 34:4; 651:3; Taz 651:17; Michaber 666:1; M”A 666:2; Hisorerus Teshuvah 437; Nitei Gavriel Daled Minim 51:24

  1. Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781]

I am stuck at home due to Covid and would like to know if it is better for me to Daven in my house, or in the Sukkah.



You should certainly Daven in the Sukkah, unless there are distractions in the area which interfere with your concentration [i.e. noise, other people, children, heat, cold, etc] and would be alleviated if you Daven at home.

Sources: Admur 639:5

  1. Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781]

When Davening inside a Sukkah may I spit by Aleinu in the Sukkah?



Seemingly, it is permitted to do so, just as is the law regarding a Shul. However, one should rub the spit with his foot until it becomes absorbed within the ground.

Sources: See Admur 90:14; Michaber 90:13 and 151:7; Brachos 62b; Minchas Elazar 4:73


  1. Question: [19th Tishreiy, 5781]

Due to covid I am Davening alone at home and would like to know when it is better for me to shake Lulav, before Davening as usual, or right before Hallel? It seems to me that from Admur in the Siddur it would be better for me to shake it specifically before Hallel.



Indeed, the implication from both Admur and the Arizal is that when Davening in the Sukkah, or when Davening Beyechidus with a Sukkah nearby, it is better to delay the shaking until after Shemoneh Esrei, and do so prior to Hallel, and only when one is Davening with a Minyan in Shul, should one shake it before Davening in the Sukkah. Nonetheless, one must bear in mind that if he delays the shaking until after Shemoneh Esrei, he may not eat [and some do not even drink] until then, and thus if he desires to eat something so he can have strength to Daven, and if he desires to drink something and is usually particular to fast until he shakes Lulav, then it should be done in the Sukkah before Davening, even if he is Davening in the Sukkah or Beyechidus at home. If one does choose to shake right before Hallel, as stated above, one must remember to only shake three times in Hallel, excluding the second Ana Hashem Hoshbia Nah, in which one does not shake then in such a case, as states Admur in the Siddur.

Sources: See Siddur Admur by Hallel; Peri Eitz Chaim Shaar Halulav 29:3

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