From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Dyeing hair during The Three Weeks; 2) Ironed clothing during nine days 3) Removing half eaten pickle from jar on Shabbos

  1. Question: [Thursday, 28th Tammuz 5781]

Am I allowed to dye my hair during the three weeks?



Yes. However, some avoid doing so from the start of the 9 days.


Explanation: There is no recorded restriction against dyeing hair throughout the three weeks, nonetheless some avoid doing so during the nine days being that some are accustomed to diminish in jewelry and makeup during this time, even though that from the letter of the law it is permitted.


Sources: See regarding diminishing in makeup during the nine days: Ashel Avraham Butchach 551


  1. Question: [Thursday, 28th Tammuz 5781]

May I iron my shirts during the nine days, and if not, can I do so before the nine days so I have them ready during the nine days?



It is forbidden to iron clothing during the nine days. Likewise, it is forbidden to wear freshly ironed clothing during the nine days even though they were ironed before the nine days. Thus, you should iron it and wear it prior to the nine days in a way that its freshly ironed look is not apparent when you wear it during the nine days.


Explanation: There is no recorded restriction against dyeing hair throughout the three weeks, nonetheless it is best to avoid doing so during the nine days being that one is to diminish in jewelry and makeup during this time, even though even then from the letter of the law it is permitted.


Sources: See regarding ironing clothing during the nine days: Michaber 551:3; See regarding wearing freshly ironed clothing during the nine days: M”A 551:20; M”B 551:44; Levushei Serud

  1. Question: [Thursday, 28th Tammuz 5781]

Is it a problem of borer to remove ½ eaten pickle from a pickle jar and Shabbos? My child took a bite out of the pickle but put it back in the jar to finish eating it later, and I would like to remove it.



In my opinion, it is permitted to be removed.


Explanation: The Borer restriction does not apply against same species mixtures, even if it contains pieces of different sizes. Now, although this only applies if both foods are perfectly edible while if one of the foods is not so edible, then at least rabbinically the Borer restrictions apply, nonetheless, seemingly in our case the mere taking a bite out of the pickle is not considered an intrinsic damage to make it viewed as inedible, and at the very best one can simply cut off the beaten area and eight the rest of it. Furthermore, there is no apparent change amongst the pickles, and therefore even if we were to consider a bit into pickle as inedible, perhaps since there is no visible difference therefore it does not consist of the Borer prohibition as it does not appear like a mixture.


Sources: See regarding that Borer is permitted between foods of the same species: Admur 319:6; Rama 319:3; Beis Yosef 319; Terumas Hadeshen 57 based on Gemara which constantly states “two types of foods”; Orchos Chaim p. 45 in name of Rabbeinu Peretz; Tosefes Shabbos 319:10; Beis Meir; Chemed Moshe 319:2-3; Nehar Shalom 319:1; Birkeiy Yosef 319:4 that so is implied from Maggid Mishneh; M”B 319:15; Kaf Hachaim 319:30; See also: Shabbos Kehalacha Vol. 2 p. 178-179; Rav SZ”A 3 footnote 63

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