Daily Tanya Tuesday 28th Teves: Chapter 17 Part 2 – Reshaim do not have control over their hearts until they do Teshuvah

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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3.      Reshaim do not have control over their hearts until they do Teshuvah:

  • The above ability to control the actions of one’s body through use of the mind applies to everyone with exception to those who are truly wicked [i.e. truly addicted to their bad ways], as our sages state that Reshaim are controlled by their hearts and do not have control over their hearts at all.
  • Is a punishment: This inability in Reshaim to control the heart is a punishment that results due to their great and powerful sins.
  • The intent of Scripture is not towards them: Now, although the Torah speaks to all the Jewish people at all times, this specific verse in Scripture which describes the service of G-d as very easily attainable is not intended for those people who are true Reshaim, as Reshaim are considered like dead even when they are alive, and the Torah does not speak to the spiritually dead individual.
  • Must repent in order to begin serving G-d: In truth, it is not possible for a Rasha to begin serving G-d without him first repenting for his past ways of behavior.
  • A division of iron between man and G-d: The repentance is necessary in order to break the iron divider of Kelipos that has been created as a result of his sins, which divides between him and his father in heaven.
  • How to break the division of iron Kelipos: This division of iron can only be broken through one breaking his heart in bitterness of the soul over his past sins. On this the Zohar states that a sacrifice for G-d is a broken spirit and broken heart, as through breaking one’s heart, the spirit of the side of evil also becomes broken.

4.      Teshuvah is to return the Hei back to Hashem’s name:

  • Lower Teshuvah-returning the “Hei”: This breaking of the heart in bitterness for past sins is considered the lower level of repentance and accomplishes the return of the lower letter “Hei” back to its place in the name of G-d.
  • The exile of the Divine presence which results from sin: Lower Teshuvah raises the “Hei” from its fall into the impure and unclean forces, which is the mystical state of exile for the Divine presence, as the sages state that when the Jewish people were exiled to Edom the Divine presence became exiled with them.
  • Exile of the G-dly soul and spark of G-d during sin: This is true because when a person performs a sin, which is an act of Edom, he demotes into this spiritual desert a spark of G-dliness which enlivens his soul and causes it to become invested within his animal soul which comes from Kelipa and is found in the left part of this heart. During the time of the sin, this animal soul of Kelipa is what rules over the person and controls his small city, which include also his G-dly soul which ends up being in exile and captivity within the animal soul and Kelipa.
  • Breaking the heart redeems the spark: When one’s heart breaks from within him, and he consequently breaks the spirit of the side of evil and causes it to disperse, it allows the G-dly spark to escape and reestablish itself from its state of exile.

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