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- Rejoicing in G-d’s satisfaction: In addition, one is to doubly rejoice over the great joy and satisfaction that one gives G-d with this belief. This great satisfaction of G-d is due to the destruction of the evil forces, as will be explained next.
9. The concealment of G-d affected by the Kelipos, and the pleasure it gives Hashem when He sees their downfall:
- Subduing evil and turning darkness to light: The reason this faith gives G-d such satisfaction is because through believing, this one literarily subdues the side of evil and transforms darkness into light.
- The effect of the Kelipos: The evil in this world conceals and darkens the light of G-d that is found with it.
- Until when will this happen: This concealment will continue until the end of days, when G-d will finally remove the spirit of impurity from the land and allow every person to see His light.
- The Kelipos of the Diaspora: In the Diaspora, the Kelipos are especially strong, as the air of the Diaspora is impure and is filled with the side of evil.
- The joy of G-d in their downfall: Now, there is no greater joy before G-d like the light and joy experienced from the light that comes from overturning the darkness. [Hence, a Jew should also rejoice in the fact that he has given great joy to G-d by destroying the side of evil with his faith and belief.]
3. The meaning of the verse Yismach Yisrael Beosav:
- The above is the meaning of the verse which states that “Israel should rejoice in its maker,” as the verse is coming to say that every person who is of Jewish lineage should rejoice in the joy of G-d who in turn rejoices in His dwelling within the lower physical world which is filled with evil and is referred to as a public domain and as mountains of separation.
4. Turning the world from a public domain for Kelipos, to a private domain for G-d:
- Through the above faith in G-d’s unity, we bring G-d to dwell here below, and we turn the world from being a public domain with mountains of separateness from G-d, into a world of light which is a private domain for G-d.
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