*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
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Chapter 36: Dira Betachtonim-The purpose of the world’s creation
- There is a well-known statement of the sages that the purpose of the world’s creation is due to the fact that G-d desired to have a dwelling place below in this lower world.
- Before G-d, the entire concept of higher and lower is not applicable as He fills the entire world equally. Thus, the true meaning of this “lower world” in which G-d desires a dwelling place is not geographical, but rather from the perspective of concealment of G-dliness versus revelation.
- G-d fills all the world’s even now, although this is concealed from creations: Before the world was created, G-d was the only existence which filled all space in which the world was created. Furthermore, even now this holds true from the perspective of G-d. The only difference is from the perspective of the creations who are the recipients of G-d’s light through many garments and forms of concealment which hide G-d’s entity and existence. Even the higher Angels which are referred to as “Chayos” are not able to see G-d, as no creation can see G-d and live.
- The chain descent of the world’s known as Hishtalshelus: The above mentioned garments and concealments which shield G-d’s light from the creations is the entire foundation of Seder Hishtalshelus, which is the gradational descent of the revelation of G-d’s light to the creations, and its increased concealment and darkness. The lower the level the more concealing garments it contains, which affects a greater concealment of G-d’s light.
- Our world is the lowest level of concealment: This chain descent of concealment continued until its lowest level was created, which is this physical and gross world, of which there is no lower level of concealment of G-d’s light with a doubled and redoubled darkness. This is also why our world is filled with evil and impure forces which actually oppose G-d and deny His existence, stating and acting as if that they are the only true existence.
(LY) 8th Adar 2
- The purpose cannot be for the higher worlds: The purpose of the gradational descent of the world and the increasing concealment of G-d’s light and revelation was not done for the sake and purpose of the upper worlds, which experience a greater revelation of G-dliness than the lower world, as nonetheless these worlds are of no gain for G-d, being that it is still a descent from the original revelation of G-d’s light that existed prior to the creation.
- The lowest world which contains evil that can be subjugated and transformed is the ultimate purpose of creation: Rather, one must conclude that the purpose of creation is for this lowest physical world, and the purpose for its creation is because G-d desired to receive pleasure from the subjugation of the forces of darkness and evil and their ultimate transformation into divinity. Now, this G-dly experience of joy from the subjugation and transformation of evil is only possible to be accomplished in this physical world, which is the lowest of all the worlds and contains the evil that needs to be subjugated and transformed.
- Filling the entire world with G-d’s light: The ultimate purpose is not just to subjugate evil, but to shine the infinite light of G-d within this place of darkness and evil and have it be revealed within this entire world.
- This world will experience the ultimate revelation of G-d; Light shines greater in a place of darkness: Furthermore, this infinite light of G-d that we are tasked to shine within this physical world is of even greater quality and intensity than that which already shines in the upper worlds, as light contains a superior quality when it shines in an area of darkness. Likewise, even in the upper worlds their revelation of G-d is through many garments of concealment which prevent the infinite light of G-d from being seen in order so it does not become nullified in its existence. However, through our work in this physical world of transforming darkness to light, we will experience the shining of the actual infinite light of G-d.
(LY) 9th Adar 2
- It is for this purpose that G-d gave the Jewish people the Torah which is called strength and power, as the Torah gives man the power and capability of being able to receive the reward of the future era, which is to bask in the revelation of G-d’s infinite light, without then becoming nullified in their existence [as would occur in the upper world if this revelation were to take place.]
- No more garments: In the future, G-d’s infinite light will be revealed without any garments of concealment and nonetheless creations will be able to withstand this light due to the Torah which gives them the strength to do so, and they will thus experience seeing G-d eye to eye.
- It is known that the purpose of the world’s creation will be realized in the times of the Messiah, particularly after the time of the resurrection.
- Why the purpose of creation will be realized after the resurrection: The reason for this is because specifically at this time the infinite light of G-d will be revealed to creations without any garments of concealment, and the creations will be able to withstand this level of revelation. This is the entire purpose and ultimate fulfillment of the world’s creation to begin with, to have G-d’s infinite light dwell within the lower realms, [and have these realms remain in their lower state without extinction].
- The purpose of creation will be realized in the times of the Messiah after the resurrection, as stated above. However, this is different than the reward that will be given to the creations for their service in bringing about the realization of G-d’s will of having a dwelling place below. Rather, the time period for the reward of creations will be later on in the seventh millennium.
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