Daily Tanach Wednesday Sefer Melachim 1 – Chapter 4: The king’s ministers and advisors

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

1.     The list and names of the king’s ministers and advisors:

  • King Shlomo was a king over all of Israel. The following are the names of his ministers and other appointee:
    • The Kohen: Azaryahu the son of Tzadok the priest. [It is unclear as to the intent of this statement and if it refers to the high priesthood, or to the priest who would go out with the Jewish people to battle.[1]]
    • The scribe: Elichoref and Achiyah the sons of Shisha were the scribes of the king [who were in charge of writing the Chronicles of history[2]].
    • The secretary: Yehoshafat the son of Achilud was the secretary [who was in charge of informing the king of those who stood before him for judgment and the order of the cases to be judged].
    • The general: Benayahu the son of Yehoyada was the general of the Army.
    • The priests: Tzadok and Avyasar were the priests.
    • The treasurer: Azaryahu the son of Nathan was in charge of those men who were appointed to provide the king with finances and sustenance. [There were 12 governors in charge of providing the king and his household with food and substance, one man per month, and Azaryahu was appointed over them.[3]]
    • A friend: Zavud the son of Nasan was a priest who was a friend of the king [and was always by his side to spend time with him and entertain him[4]].
    • The Butler: Achishar was in charge of the house [and everything in the home was done in accordance to his instructions[5]].
    • The tax collector: Adoniram the son of Avda was the tax collector [to collect the taxes from the Jewish people[6]].

[1] See Radak and Metzudos Dovid 4:2

[2] Rashi 4:3

[3] See Rashi and Metzudos Dovid 4:5

[4] Radak and Metzudos Dovid 4:5

[5] Metzudos Dovid 4:6

[6] Rashi 4:6

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