Daily Tanach Wednesday Sefer Melachim 1 – Chapter 1: Adoniyahu begins acting like a king

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

1.      Adoniyahu begins acting like a king:

  • Riding like a king: Adoniyahu the son of Chagit aspired for grandeur and stated that he will rule and become king. So he made for himself a chariot with fifth with horsemen and 50 people running in front of him [who had their spleens removed, and palms of their feet shaven off[1]].
  • Dovid does not chastise him: His father, Dovid, [was also held at fault because he[2]] never chastised him for his actions asking him as to why he’s behaving this way.
  • His beauty and upbringing: Adoniyahu was very beautiful [similar to Avshalom] and his mother gave birth to him immediately after the birth of Avshalom and he was brought up in a similar fashion.
  • Yoav and Avyasar join Adoniyahu: Yoav the son of Tzeruya and Avyasar the Kohen both collaborated with Adoniyahu and assisted him [in order to find favor in his eyes when he becomes king, as Yoav knew that Dovid was upset with him and would instruct his heir to deal with him and therefore wanted to find favor in his eyes. Likewise, Avyasar had lost his position as the Kohen when the Urim Vetumim refused to answer for him, and he thus wished to be reinstated into his position.[3]]
  • The names of those who did not join Adoniyahu: Tzadok the Kohen, and Benayahu the son of Yehoyada, and Nasan the prophet [who had informed Dovid that Shlomo would reign after him], and Shimi and Reiy and the warriors of Dovid did not join A
  • Adoniyahu brings sacrifices and summons the nation: Adoniyahu offered sacrifices of sheep and choicest cattle on a weightlifting stone and near a pond that was used for washing clothing. Adoniyahu summoned all of his brothers, the sons of the king, and all the people of Judah the servants of the king. However, he did not someone Nasan the prophet, or Benayahu, or the warriors of Dovid, or Shlomo his brother [as he was aware that the prophet Nasan had said that he would reign after him].

[1] Rashi 1:4

[2] Rashi 1:6

[3] Rashi 1:7

Daily Tanach Monday Sefer Melachim 1 – Chapter 6: The Heichal

Post Views: 880 * The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer Buy Now-The Tanach Summary Series Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode 1.      The Heichal: The hallway surrounding the Heichal: On the outside wall of the Heichal, surrounding both

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