Chapter 17: The exile of the tribes from Israel
- His year or reign: Hoshea, the son of Elah, reigned over the people of Israel in the twelfth year of Achaz the king of Yehuda.
- His years of reign: He reigned for a total of nine years.
- His deeds: Hoshea did evil in the eyes of Hashem, although he was not as evil as the kings of Israel who had preceded him.
- Shalmaneser makes Hoshea pay him a tribute: Shalmaneser, the king of Ashur, went up against him, and Hoshea became his servant, and had to pay him a tribute.
- Shalmaneser imprisons Hoshea: Shalmaneser the king of Ashur discovered that Hoshea had conspired against him and that he sent messengers to Su, the king of Egypt, and did not pay tribute to the king of Ashur that year. So, the king of Ashur arrested him and confined him in a prison.
- Shalmaneser besieges and exiles the Jewish people: Shalmaneser the king of Ashur went up to conquer the entire land of the kingdom of Israel, and he went up to Shomron and besieged it for three years. In the ninth year of reign of Hoshea, Shalmaneser the king of Ashur conquered the city of Shomron and exiled the Israelites to Ashur. He settled them in the countries of Bachlach, and in Chavur, the Gozan River, and the cities of Media.
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