*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
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- Lo Sisgodedu and Karcha:
- “You are children of Hashem and a holy nation. Therefore, you are not to cut your skin or shave your head in mourning of a loved one.
- Laws relating to Kashrus:
- You are not to eat any abominating item.
- The Kosher animals: You may only eat the following animals: The ox, sheep, goat, ram, deer, Yachmur, Akko, Dishon, Teo and Zamer. You may eat all animals that have split hooves and chew their cud. The following animals you may not eat amongst those who chew their cud or have split hooves: The Shesuah, camel, rabbit, and hyrax, as although they chew their cud they do not have split hooves. Likewise, the pig may not be eaten, as it has split hooves but does not chew its cud. You may not eat their flesh, and may not touch their corpse [during the festivals].
- Kosher fish: The following sea creatures may be eaten: All fish that have fins and scales may be eaten. All fish that do not have fins and scales are not Kosher and are considered impure for you.
- Non-Kosher birds: You may eat all pure birds. The following [20] birds may not be eaten: [the identification of these birds from the original Hebrew is mostly unknown] 1) Eagle; 2) Peres; 3) Ozniah; 4) Raah, Ayah, and Dayah; 6) Raven; 7) Bas Hayaanah; 8) Tachmos; 9) Shachaf; 10) Netz [i.e. sparrow hawk]; 11) Kos; 12) Yanshuf [i.e. owl] 13) Tinshemes; 14) Kaas; 15) Rachamah; 16) Shalach [i.e. seagull]; 17) Chasidah [i.e. stork]; 18) Anafah; 19) Duchifas [i.e. wild rooster]; 20) Atalef [bat].
- Insects: All flying creatures are impure for you and may not be eaten.
- Fowl: All pure fowl may be eaten.
- Niveila: A Niveila may not be eaten and it is to be given to the strangers who live with you, or sold to the gentiles, as you are a holy nation onto G-d.
- Meat and milk: You shall not eat meat and milk together.
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