Daily Chumash Tuesday Riei – Commandments relating to the inhabitants of the conquered land

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Commandments relating to the inhabitants of the conquered land:
    • “When you enter the land that Hashem has conquered before you, do not be fooled to seek out their idolatry and worship them. You shall not do this to Hashem, as all the abominations which Hashem hates they did towards their gods, and they burned their children in fire.
    • You are to guard all the commands and not add or subtract from the commands.”


  1. Laws relating to a prophet of idolatry:
    • “When a prophet or dreamer rises from amongst you who performs miracles, and he states that he received a prophetic vision from G-d that one is to serve idolatry, you are not to listen to him. Hashem is testing you to see if you love Him with all your heart and soul. The above prophet is to be killed, and you should destroy the evil from your midst.
    • You shall go in the path of Hashem, fear Him, guard His commands, serve Him, and attach to Him.”


  1. Laws relating to a Meisis-Missionaries of idolatry:
    • “If your brother, or son, or daughter, or wife, or friend tries to persuade you to serve idolatry, telling you “Let us go and worship the gods of other nations” you are not to listen to him. You are to have no mercy on him, or protect him, and cover up for him. Rather, you shall kill him. Your hand should be the first to kill him and the hand of the nation will be the last. You shall stone him until he dies, and all the Jewish people will hear and witness, so they do not do the same.”


  1. Laws relating to an Ir Hanidachas:
    • “If you hear that missionaries have persuaded an entire city to serve idolatry, you are to properly inquire the matter, and if found true the city is to be destroyed. All of the cities possessions are to be gathered in the square and burnt. The city is never to be rebuilt. It is forbidden to take any spoils from the city.

If you do the above, you will quench Hashem’s anger and He will have mercy on you.”

Daily Chumash Vaeira Tuesday 21st Teves: Hashem instructs Moshe

Post Views: 504 *The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Shelishi Hashem instructs Moshe: Hashem told

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Daily Chumash Wednesday Shemos, 15th Teves: The burning bush

Post Views: 574 *The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Revi’i The burning bush: Moshe was

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