Daily Chumash Thursday – The Daily, Shabbos, and Rosh Chodesh, Karbanos

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. The Tamid sacrifice:
    • Hashem told Moshe to command Bnei Yisrael and tell them to offer two male lambs, every day as a Tamid sacrifice. One sacrifice is to be offered in the morning and the second in the afternoon.
    • The Mincha and Nesachim: A Mincha offering of 1/10th of an Ephah of flour mixed with ¼ of a Hin of oil is to be brought with the animal. A wine libation of ¼ of a Hin is to be brought per lamb.

  1. The Shabbos sacrifice:
    • On Shabbos you are to offer two male lambs in their first year of age.
    • The Mincha and Nesachim: A Mincha offering of 2/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought with the animal. A wine libation is to be brought with the animal.
    • This is in addition to the Tamid sacrifice.

  1. The Rosh Chodesh sacrifice:
    • On Rosh Chodesh you are to offer two young bulls, one ram, and seven unblemished lambs within their first year. One goat is to be offered as a Chatas for Hashem. This sacrifice is in addition to the Tamid sacrifice.
    • The Mincha and Nesachim: A Mincha offering of 3/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each bull. A wine libation of 1/2 of a Hin is to be brought for the bull. A Mincha offering of 2/10ths of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for the ram. A wine libation of 1/3 of a Hin is to be brought for the ram. A Mincha offering of 1/10th of an Ephah of flour mixed with oil is to be brought individually for each lamb. A wine libation of 1/4 of a Hin is to be brought per lamb.

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