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- Hashem instructs Moshe how to put together the Mishkan:
- Hashem told Moshe that on the first day of the first month the Mishkan is to be erected. The Aron is to be placed in the Ohel Moed and the Paroches is to be placed as a screen before it. You are to bring the Shulchan and arrange it, and bring the Menorah and light it. The gold altar is to be placed in front of the Aron, and place the screen by the entrance of the Mishkan. The Olah altar is to be placed in front of the entrance of the Ohel Moed. The Kiyor is to be placed between the Ohel Moed and altar. It is to be filled with water. You are to erect the courtyard around it and set up the screen at the entrance to the courtyard.
- Anointing the Mizbeiach: You are to take the anointing oil and anoint the Mishkan and all of its content and make it holy. Anoint the Olah altar and all its vessels and make it holy. Anoint the Kiyor and its pedestal and make it holy.
- Inaugurating the Kohanim: You are to bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the Ohel Moed and bathe them there. You are to dress Aaron in the priestly garments, anoint him and sanctify him as a Kohen. You are also to dress his sons in the Kutanos and anoint them there and sanctify them as Kohanim forever.
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