Parshas Vayikra
Pesukim:111 [Siman: דעואל]
Haftorah: Yeshayahu 43:21-44:23
Number of Mitzvos:
There are a total of Sixteen Mitzvos in Parshas Vayikra; Eleven positive commands and Five negative commands. The following are the commands in the chronological order that they are brought in the Parsha. A. Positive: 1. Mitzvah 115/Positive 48: To offer the Olah sacrifice according to its detailed laws. 2. Mitzvah 116/Positive 49: To offer the Mincha offering according to its detailed laws. 3. Mitzvah 119/Positive 50: To salt all the offerings. 4. Mitzvah 120/Positive 51: For the Beis Din to bring a Karban Chatas in case of a mistaken ruling involving Kareis. 5. Mitzvah 121/Positive 52: For an individual to bring a Karban Chatas in case of a mistaken transgression involving Kareis. 6. Mitzvah 122/Positive 53: To testify in court regarding matters one has witnessed that carry criminal or civil liability. 7. Mitzvah 123/Positive 54: To bring a Karban Olah Veyoreid for certain sins, which include swearing falsely, Shavuos Haeidus, and entering the Temple while impure. 8. Mitzvah 127/Positive 55: For one who benefited from Hekdish [i.e. Meilah] to pay for the benefit plus an additional 1/5th, to the Temple. 9. Mitzvah 128/Positive 56: To bring an Asham Taluy if one performed an act of questionable transgression that involves a negative command that contains Kareis. 10. Mitzvah 129/Positive 57: To bring a Karban Asham for certain sins [i.e. Asham Vadaiy], including stealing, sinfully swearing, Meila, and other sins. 11. Mitzvah 130/Positive 58: To return a stolen object to its rightful owner. B. Negative:1. Mitzvah 117/Negative 68: Not to offer honey or Chametz onto the altar. 2. Mitzvah 118/Negative 69: Not to bring offerings without salt. 3. Mitzvah 124/Negative 70: Not to separate [behead[1]] the bird Chatas offering. 4. Mitzvah 125/Negative 71: Not to place oil on the Mincha sin offering. 5. Mitzvah 126/Negative 72: Not to place frankincense on the Mincha sin offering. |
- The Mitzvah of Karbanos:
- Hashem called to Moshe from the Ohel Moed and commanded him to relate to the Jewish people the laws involving the sacrifices. These laws relate to the following topics:
- The type of animal to bring as a sacrifice: A man who desires to bring a Karban to Hashem, is to bring it from the domestic animal, whether from cattle or sheep.
- The cow Olah offering:
- If one brings an Olah offering from cattle, it is to be a perfect male. It is to be offered at the opening of the Ohel Moed.
- Semicha: One is to rest his hand on the head of the Olah, and it will be an appeasement for him, to bring him atonement.
- Offering the animal: Once slaughtered, the Kohanim are to offer the blood of the animal onto the altar.
- The Olah must be skinned and dismembered. The Kohanim are to light a fire on the altar and set up the wood. They are to arrange the limbs on the altar. The intestines and feet are washed and offered on the altar. All of the parts of the Olah are offered to Hashem.
- The sheep and goat Olah offering:
- If one brings an Olah offering from flock, it is to be brought from sheep, or goats, it is to be an unblemished male animal.
- It is to be slaughtered in the northern part of the altar in front of Hashem.
- The Kohanim are to offer the blood around the altar.
- The Olah must be dismembered.
- The Kohanim are to light a fire on the altar and set up the wood. They are to arrange the limbs on the altar. The intestines and feet are washed and offered on the altar. All of the parts of the Olah are offered to Hashem. It is a pleasant smell for Hashem.
[1] Rambam Maaseh Hakarbanos 7/6
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