Post Views: 495
Parshas Vayakhel
Pesukim: 122 [Siman: סנואה]
Haftorah:[1] Melachim 1 7:13-26
Number of Mitzvos: There is One Mitzvah in Parshas Vayakhel. Zero positive commands and One negative command. Negative commands: 1. Mitzvah 114/Negative 67: Not to adjudicate capital punishments on Shabbos. |
- Keeping Shabbos:
- Moshe gathered the entire Jewish people and told them that Hashem commanded as follows: For six days a week you shall perform work and on the seventh day it shall be a complete day of rest for Hashem. Whoever does Melacha shall be put to death. You shall not light a fire in all your dwelling places on Shabbos.
- Moshe commands Bnei Yisrael regarding the Mishkan:
- The materials needed: Moshe told the Jewish people saying that Hashem commanded them the following: Every person of generous heart is to give a donation. The following donations are needed:
- Gold,
- Silver,
- Copper,
- Techeiles Turquoise wool,
- Argamon Purple wool,
- Scarlet wool,
- Linen,
- Goat hair,
- Red dyed ram skins,
- Tachash skins,
- Shittim-Acacia wood.
- Oil for lighting
- Spices for the anointing oil and Ketores incense.
- Shoham stones
- Filling stones for the Eiphod and Choshen.
- The items needed to be made: Every skilled individual is to come and make everything that Hashem commanded, which includes the following items:
- The Mishkan: The Mishkan, its tent covering, and its accessories which include its hooks, beams, bars, pillars and sockets.
- Aron: The Aron and its accessories which include its poles and covering.
- The Shulchan: The Shulchan, its poles, and all of its accessories, including the Lechem Hapanim.
- The Menorah: The Menorah and its accessories, including its lamps and oil.
- The Ketores altar: The Ketores altar, its poles, anointing oil, Ketores, and entrance screen.
- The Olah altar: The Olah altar, its copper netting, its poles, and all of its accessories.
- Kiyor: The Kiyor, and its accessories.
- The courtyard: The curtains of the courtyard, its pillars, sockets and the entrance screen. The pegs of the Mishkan and courtyard and their cords.
- The priestly garments.
- After hearing the above commands, the Jewish people left Moshe’s presence.
[1] So is followed by Sepharadi communities and Chabad. However, Ashkenazi communities read from 7:40-50
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