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Parshas Pekudei
Pesukim: 92 [Siman: בלי כל]
Haftorah:[1] Melachim 1 7:51-8:21
Theme of the Parsha: 1. Enumerating the donations that came in for the Mishkan and what they were used towards. 2. Describing how the priestly garments were made. |
Number of Mitzvos: There are no Positive or Negative commands mentioned in Parshas Pekudei |
- The accounting of the donation materials and their use:
- The following is the accounting of the Mishkan donations. It was counted by Isamar the son of Aaron, and the Levites, as Moshe commanded. Betzalel Ben Uri Ben Chur from Shevet Yehuda and Oholiav Ben Achisamach did all that they were commanded for building the Mishkan.
- Gold: 29 Kikar and 730 Shekel of gold was donated.
- Silver: 100 Kikar and 1775 Shekel of silver was donated. A Beka weight of silver was donated for every person 20 years and older during the half shekel donation. The total number of donors of the half shekel was 603,550. The 100 Kikar of silver was used to make the silver sockets for the pillars of the Kodesh and Paroches, one Kikar per socket. The remaining 1775 silver shekel were used to make the hooks and belts of the pillars.
- Copper: 70 Kikar and 2400 Shekel of copper was donated. The copper was used to make the copper sockets for the pillars of the Ohel Moed, courtyard and entrance gate. It was also used to make the copper altar and its netting and all of its accessories. It was also used to make all the pegs of the courtyard.
- Wool: The Techeiles-Turquoise wool, Argamon-Purple wool, and scarlet wool, were used to make the priestly garments.
[1] So is followed by most Ashkenazi communities and Chabad. However, Sepharadic communities read from 7:40-50
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