Daily Chumash Shelishi Toldos – The wells of Yitzchak

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  • Yitzchak became very prosperous. He had flocks of cattle and sheep, which drew the jealousy of the Plishtim.
  • The sabotaging of the wells: All the wells that were dug by the servants of Avraham were filled with earth by the Plishtim.
  • Yitzchak is expelled: Avimelech asks Yitzchak to leave his land, as he has become too prosperous. Yitzchak proceeded to move to Nachal Gerar.


  1. The wells:
    • Re-digging the old wells: Yitzchak re-dug the wells that were dug by his father, and closed up by the Plishtim, and he named them the same names that his father had named.
    • The controversy on the new wells: They also dug a new well, and fresh water was found, which resulted in a dispute between the shepherds of Yitzchak and that of Gerar, each one claiming the water is his. Due to this dispute, the well was named Esek, which means to fight. Yitzchak dug another well, which also resulted in a fight, and it was thus named Sitnah, or harassment.
    • The well of peace: They moved from there and dug a third well, which did not result in a quarrel, and it was thus named Rechovos, being that G-d made space for them and provided them with plenty on the land.

Daily Chumash, Thursday, 25th Kisleiv: Yosef by Potifar

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