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- The incident of the spies: [After telling you to go conquer the land] you then all came to me and asked me to send spies to the land. I agreed and appointed 12 people from amongst you to be part of the delegation, one person per tribe. They returned with the fruits of the land and reported that the land is good, and you, the nation, did not desire to ascend it and you rebelled against Hashem. You slandered against Hashem saying that He took you out of Egypt in order to have you annihilated by the Emorites. Your hearts were melted after hearing the reports that the land contains a strong nation, giants and fortified cities. I, however, told you not to fear them or worry as Hashem will lead you and fight for you just as He did in Egypt, and as He has done for you thus far in the desert. Yet, you did not believe in Hashem’s ability, and He became angry with you and swore that none of you would ever see the land and only Kaleiv Ben Yefuneh would see it. Also, with me Hashem became angry because of you, and He said I would not enter the land. Yehoshua Ben nun will now lead you and you shall strengthen him, as he will conquer the land for you.
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