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*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
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- The census and services of the Levite family of Kehos:
- Hashem commanded Moshe to count all the male members of the Kehos family who are between the ages of 30-50. They were appointed with the following tasks to be done after the Kohanim performed their tasks. The task of the Kehos family serviceman is considered holy of holies.
- The tasks of the Kohanim in preparing the Mishkan for travel:
- Preparing the Aron for travel: When the camp travels, Aaron and his sons are to take down the Paroches and cover the Aron with it. A Tachash leather cover is to be placed on top of it, and a turquoise [i.e. Techeiles] wool cover on top of that.
- Preparing the Shulchan for travel: The Shulchan is to be covered with a turquoise wool cover and have its vessels placed on top of it. This includes the dishes, spoons, supports, tubes, and bread. On top of them they shall spread a scarlet wool covering, and a Tachash leather cover is to be placed on top of that.
- Preparing the Menorah for travel: The Menorah and all its vessels are to be covered with a turquoise wool cover. This includes the lamps, tongs, and scoops, and all the vessels of its oil. All this is then to be placed into a Tachash hide cover and place it on the pole.
- Preparing the gold Mizbeiach for travel: The gold altar is to be covered with a turquoise wool cover, which is then to be covered by a Tachash hide cover.
- Preparing the service vessels of the Mishkan for travel: All the service vessels which are used in the Mishkan [for Ketores] are to be placed into a turquoise cloth, which is then to be covered by a Tachash hide cover and placed on the pole.
- Preparing the copper Mizbeiach for travel: The [copper] altar is to be cleaned of ash and then have an Argamon [i.e. purple] wool cloth placed over it. All its vessels are to be placed on it, which include the firepans, forks, shovels and basins. They are to then cover it with a Tachash hide cover.
- The Kehos family’s job of carrying the vessels: After Aaron and his sons complete the wrapping of the vessels of the Mishkan, the Kehos family servicemen are to come and carry it. [They are not to carry it before it is properly covered] lest they touch the holy and die.
- Elazar’s position: Elazar the son of Aaron was appointed the task of carrying the illuminating oil, the incense spices, the Mincha, and anointing oil. He was also appointed to oversee the work of the Kehos family.
- Hashem told Moshe and Aaron not to cause the Kehos family to become extinct upon them coming to do the service with the Kodesh Hakedoshim. To prevent this they are to oversee everyone’s job [and make sure the vessels are properly covered before they come].
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