Donate Question: [Monday 25th Adar 2, 5782] I will be working several days constructing a bathroom unit [i.e. toilet, bathtub, shower] in a home. Now, I usually try to listen to Shiurim on my headphones while I work, and would like to know if I can do so while I […]
The laws of Pesach-Summary-Part 4-Laws relating to Chametz-2
Donate 1. The Chametz prohibitions: There are six Torah commands [counted as part of the 613 Mitzvos] which involve the Chametz prohibition. Five negative commands, and one positive command. The following are the details of the Chametz related commands and prohibitions: 1. Prohibition of eating Chametz: It is Biblically forbidden […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Placing Kishkeh into the cholent, and matzah balls into the soup, right before Shabbos
Donate Question: [Sunday, 24th Adar 2, 5782] Am I allowed to place Kishkeh into cholent, or Matzah balls into soup, right before Shabbos? Answer: If the pot of cholent or matzah balls is sitting on an uncovered flame, then it may not be done. If, however, the flame is covered, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Going to a bar and having alcoholic beverages
Donate Question: [Thursday, 21st Adar 2, 5782] Am I allowed to enter a bar and order a beverage that does not have a Kashrus concern [not wine or wine flavored etc, and does not contain other Kashrus concerns] in order to drink in the bar? Does it make any difference […]
The laws of Pesach-Summary & Review-Part 2-Thirty days before Pesach 2
Donate Thirty days before the festival:-Part 2 [Chapter 1] G. Bedikas Chametz for one who is traveling: One who will be traveling from home before Pesach must check his house prior to leaving if he does not plan to sell his Chametz in that area to a gentile. See Halacha […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one sit while doing Netilas Yadayim for bread?
Donate Question: [Wednesday, 20th Adar 2, 5782] I have a sink right next to my dining room table, which I can reach from my chair. I would like to know if I can wash hands from the sink while sitting in my chair, or if I must stand up when […]
The laws of Pesach-Summary & Review-Part 1-Thirty days before Pesach
Donate Thirty days before the festival:-Part 1 [Chapter 1] A. Learning the laws prior to the festival: [Chapter 1 Halacha 1] Starting from Purim, the 14th of Adar, it is a Mitzvah on every person to learn the laws of the festival until he is expert in them, and knows […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Renting a room to a non-religious Jew or gentile during Pesach
Question: [Tuesday, 19th Adar 2, 5782] I have a vacation rental home which I rent out throughout the year and would like to know if there’s any issue with me renting it to a non–religious Jew during Pesach, being that he very likely will enter Chametz into the room. Is […]
Likkutei Sichos Introduction & Historical Background- Part 2
Donate Introduction & Historical Background Part 2 The dates of the publication: The compiled Sichos of Likkutei Sichos were first published and distributed on a weekly basis, as a pamphlet known as a Likut, in correspondence to that week’s Parsha. It was only later that these published pamphlets were […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Following your conscience to determine right versus wrong
Donate Question: [Monday 18th Adar 2, 5782] Is there any truth to the statement that one’s conscience can mystically determine right from wrong and direct a person who is facing a fork in the road, as to whether he should choose one way or the other? I have heard stated […]