Question: [Sunday, 28th Iyar, 5782] May I send out a Whatsapp message as to which night of Sefira we are holding in, prior to me counting? I have been doing this now for some time, sending two people on my WhatsApp group as to that nights day of Sefira, and […]
May a wife and children still perform Melacha after the father of the home accepts Shabbos early
May a wife and children still perform Melacha after the father of the home accepts Shabbos early?[1] A. Background on accepting Shabbos early:[2] Accepting Shabbos early: Although Shabbos officially begins at the time of sunset[3], nonetheless it is possible, and a Biblical Mitzvah[4], for one to accept Shabbos prior to […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Listening to Niggunim during Sefira and Bein Hametzarim
Question: [Wednesday, 24th Iyar, 5782] Is it permitted for one to listen to Niggunim [with musical instruments] during the period of Sefiras Haomer or Bein Hametzarim? I have heard numerous times from people that it is permitted to do so being that Niggunim is not music, and that many Rabbanim […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The story of Chof Beit Yaldei Maalot and the need to check the Mezuzos of a school to make sure that they are kosher
Question: [Tuesday, 23rd Iyar, 5782] I once heard mentioned that the Rebbe stated that the terrible terrorist attack and ensuing horrific murder of the 22 Safed religious school students in the town of Maalot [known as Chaf Beit Yaldei Maalot] came as a result of the Mezuzos of the school […]
The Mitzvah’s fulfilled upon visiting Eretz Yisrael
The Mitzvah’s fulfilled upon visiting Eretz Yisrael: The following are a list of Mitzvos fulfilled, or which can be potentially fulfilled, upon visiting Eretz Yisrael. There is a Mitzvah to walk four Amos in Eretz Yisrael, as whoever walks four Amos in Eretz Yisrael receives a portion in the world […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Counted Sefira by Bein Hashmashos
Question: [Sunday, 30th Nisan, 5782] If I counted Sefira by Bein Hashmashos, am I Yotzei? Answer: It depends on which Bein Hashmashos you are referring to, if you’re referring to the Bein Hashmashos which precedes that nights count or to the Bein Hashmashos at the end of that days count. […]
What to do if the Olah was shown the wrong text by his Aliyah
The law if the Olah was shown the wrong text by his Aliyah and it was only discovered after he said the blessing:[1] The debate: If the Olah was shown the wrong text of the reading in the Sefer Torah and he already recited the blessing, then it is debated […]
From the Rav’s Desk: With which foot should one start taking three steps back by Kaddish
Question: [Sunday, 21st Iyar, 5782] I know that by Oseh Shalom in Shemoneh Esrei we are to take the first step back using our left foot. Does the same apply also when taking three steps back when saying Oseh Shalom within Kaddish? Answer: Although I have not found anything explicit […]
The Rebbe’s opinion regarding moving to, and visiting, Eretz Yisrael
The Rebbes opinion regarding moving to, and visiting, Eretz Yisrael:[1] In a public talk in the year 1955[2], the Rebbe discouraged the campaign of encouraging every Jew from leaving the Diaspora for the sake of fulfilling the Mitzvah of dwelling in Eretz Yisrael due to several factors. One of the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is there any value in being in view of the grave of a Tzadik or loved one, if one cannot reach it
Question: [Thursday, 18th Iyar, 5782] This year, due to all the various government limitations, I am unable to make it to the gravesite of Rebbe Shimon in Meron as I do annually. My question is, is there any value in me traveling to the north to an area from which […]