Question: [Tuesday, 20th Tamuz 5782] I just gave birth and am in a hospital which does not provide Shemita Lemehadrin vegetables, but rather Heter Mechira. May I be lenient to eat the Heter Mechira vegetables even though I generally only eat Shemita Lemehadrin? Answer: If you need to eat […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Dyeing hair during three weeks
Question: [Thursday, 28th Tamuz 5781] Am I allowed to dye my hair during the three weeks? Answer: Yes. However, some avoid doing so from the start of the 9 days. Explanation: There is no recorded restriction against dyeing hair throughout the three weeks, nonetheless some avoid doing so […]
Fast of 17th Tammuz
17th of Tammuz falls on Shabbos:[1] Whenever one of the four fasts fall on Shabbos, the fast takes place after Shabbos. [Thus, if the 17th of Tammuz falls on Shabbos, the fast takes place on Sunday, the 18th of Tammuz. It is permitted to have marital relations on this Shabbos […]
Gezel Hagoiy-Stealing from a Gentile-Part 2-Cheating a gentile in business
Cheating a Gentile in business: All scams and trickery are forbidden in business even with a gentle.[1] [Those people who mistakenly think that it is permitted to scam a Gentile are making a grave mistake. All types of trickery and scams are forbidden even towards a Gentile, and certainly if […]
Missing Davening on time or with a Minyan due to Mikveh before Davening
Missing Kerias Shema, or Davening on time or with a Minyan due to Tevila:[1] Missing Zeman Kerias Shema:[2] It is forbidden to miss saying Kerias Shema within Zeman Kerias Shema due to Tevilas Ezra [i.e. Baal Keri] and certainly it may not be delayed on behalf of the daily immersion. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Using water that a person drank from for Netilas Yadayim
Question: [Tuesday, 13th Tamuz 5782] My toddler walked into the room in the morning, and I caught her taking a sip from the water in my Neigal Vaaser cup that I had set up the night before to use for washing when I wake up. My question is regarding if […]
Leaving a Sefer open upon leaving a room
Leaving a Sefer open:[1] One is not to have a Torah book [i.e. Sefer] remain open if he leaves the room, unless the Sefer is covered by a cloth and the like.[2] According to Kaballah, one who leaves a Sefer open and exits the room causes a certain angel by […]
Doing laundry on Erev Shabbos-Part 1
Doing laundry on Erev Shabbos: The general law:[1] Ezra instituted for laundry to be done on Thursday [or prior[2]] in honor of Shabbos, in order so one have clean white clothing to wear on Shabbos.[3] [This comes to negate doing laundry on Erev Shabbos[4]], as on Erev Shabbos there is […]
Gezel Hagoiy-Stealing from a Gentile-Part 1
Gezel Hagoiy-Stealing from a Gentile:[1] A. The general law: It is Biblically forbidden to steal anything even from a Gentile.[2] It is forbidden to steal even less than a Peruta’s worth.[3] This applies whether the Gentile is a child or an adult.[4] This applies even if the Gentile has caused […]
Men immersing in a Mikveh daily prior to Davening Shacharis-Part 2
Men immersing in a Mikveh daily prior to Davening Shacharis-Part 2:[1] C. History of the custom and its sources and reasons in the Chassidic teaching: The directives of the Baal Shem Tov: The Baal Shem Tov stated[2] that one is to immerse in a Mikveh as much as possible, and […]