Cutting items on Shabbos, such as a tablecloth, garbage bag, paper towel, piece of tinfoil, and toilet paper?[1] It is Biblically forbidden to perform an action on Shabbos which prepares an item for a use. The principal Melacha of this prohibition is called “Makeh Bepatish,” while its offshoot is known […]
Reading Hashem’s name when reading a verse in the Mishneh [i.e. Pirkei Avos], Talmud, or other learning text
Mentioning Hashem’s name while reading or quoting a Pasuk Reading Hashem’s name in a verse in Talmud or other learning text: When reading the Talmud [or other Torah Sefer] one may read Hashem’s name in the verses that are found in the text.[1] [This applies even if the verses are […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Immersing in a Mikveh on Shabbos afternoon for the sake of Yom Tov which falls on Motzei Shabbos
Question: [Tuesday, 8th Sivan, 5782] This past Shabbos, which was Erev Shavuos, a heated discussion erupted in our shul regarding whether one should or may immerse in the mikvah on Shabbos afternoon for the sake of the accustomed Erev Yom Tov immersion. Some stated that there is no need to […]
Isru Chag of Shavuos
Isru Chag of Shavuos:[1] A. The name:[2] The day after each of the three Holidays is called Isru Chag.[3] The name Isru Chag derives from the verse “Isru Chag Baavosim Ad Karnei Hamizbeiach”. This means to say that this day is to be attached [i.e. Isru] to the Holiday itself, […]
Laws relevant when Shavuos falls on Motzei Shabbos
Laws relevant when Shavuos falls on Motzei Shabbos 1. Erev Shabbos: Haircuts:[1] When Erev Shavuos coincides with Shabbos, one may get a haircut on Erev Shabbos which is the 48th day of the Omer.[2] This applies even according to the Kabbalistic ruling and Chabad custom. [One may begin to take […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Where is Har Sinai located?
Question: [Wednesday, 2nd Sivan, 5782] Do we know today where Mount Sinai is located? Answer: The Torah was famously given on the mountain called Har Sinai or Har Choreiv. The tradition of its location became lost with the generations, and its last recorded whereabouts is recorded in Sefer Melachim regarding […]
Omitting Tachanun during the month of Sivan
Omitting Tachanun during the month of Sivan:[1] In The month of Sivan, Tachanun is omitted from the first day of Sivan until the 12th of Sivan, including on the 12th of Sivan. The following are the details of this custom. A. Omitting Tachanun from Rosh Chodesh Sivan until after […]
The ancient custom of learning ones Tehillim with Rashi’s commentary on Rosh Chodesh
The ancient custom of learning ones Tehillim with Rashi’s commentary on Rosh Chodesh:[1] It is an ancient custom on every Rosh Chodesh for one to study one verse from the chapter of Tehillim that corresponds to his age[2], together with the commentary of Rashi, [in a way that he completes […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one get a haircut this Thursday night in honor of Shabbos and Shavuos?
Question: [Sunday, 28th Iyar, 5782] This year that Shavuos falls on Motzei Shabbos, may one get a haircut on Thursday night? Answer: Initially, one should not take a haircut on Thursday night, and should wait until Friday morning, after Shacharis. This applies every week of the year, and especially applies […]
May one get a haircut during Shloshes Yimei Hagbala when Erev Shavuos coincides with Shabbos
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on May one get a haircut during Shloshes Yimei Hagbala, and when Erev Shavuos coincides with Shabbos? A. Background: On the one hand, it is a Mitzvah to get a haircut on Erev Shavuos in honor of Yom Tov, in order […]