Question: [Tuesday, 5th Menachem Av 5782] I forgot to cut my nails last week before Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av which fell on Friday and did not do so on Friday because it was Rosh Chodesh, and I am not particular to cut my nails on every Erev Shabbos. My question […]
Exemptions for fasting on Tishe Beav Taanis Nidche
Exemptions for fasting on a Tishe Beav Nidche: Tishe Beav is considered the most severe of the Rabbinical fasts, and obligates even pregnant and nursing women to fast, however not those who are Halachically defined as sick. In years that Tishe Beav falls on Shabbos and is differed to Sunday, […]
Buying, renting, and moving into a new home during the three weeks and nine days
Buying, renting, and moving into a new home during the three weeks and nine days: A. Background of Halachic issues: The action of buying, renting, and moving into a new home during the period of the three weeks touches upon the following five Halachic issues: The prohibition of saying Shehechiyanu:[1] […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one cut his nails on Thursday when Rosh Chodesh falls on Friday?
Question: [Thursday, 29th Tamuz, 5782] I did not yet cut my nails and just realized that tomorrow, Friday, is Rosh Chodesh? May I nevertheless cut them today even though it is Thursday which is a day that we generally avoid cutting nails? Is it better that I cut them Thursday, […]
Bathing on Erev Shabbos during the nine days
Bathing on Erev Shabbos during the nine days:[1] Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av falls on Erev Shabbos:[2] When Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av falls out on Erev Shabbos then one who is careful to bathe every Erev Shabbos is permitted also on this Erev Shabbos to bathe his entire body in hot […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Ironed Clothing during the 9 Days
Question: [Thursday, 28th Tamuz 5781] May I iron my shirts during the nine days, and if not, can I do so before the nine days so I have them ready during the nine days? Answer: It is forbidden to iron clothing during the nine days. Likewise, it is forbidden […]
The prayers of Tishe Beav – Summary
The prayers of Tisha B’av Maariv: Removing the Paroches: [Prior to Maariv] one is to remove the Paroches from the Aron. [In some communities, the Paroches is not removed, but rather moved to the side, hence revealing the doors of the Aron. The Chabad custom is to also remove the […]
Putting on Tefillin in middle of Davening
Putting on Tefillin in middle of Davening:[1] What is one to do if his Tefillin arrived in middle of Davening, or if he forgot to put on Tefillin and remembered in middle of Davening? May he wear the Tefillin and may a blessing be recited? The same question applies to […]
Men immersing in a Mikveh daily prior to Davening Shacharis-Part 3
Illness-One who is sick or fears to immerse due to health reasons:[1] One who goes to fulfill the mitzvah of immersing in a Mikveh will be guarded so no evil happens to him.[2] Accordingly, there is a tradition from the Bal Shem Tov that one should not fear any damage […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Painting nails during three weeks
Question: [Wednesday, 18th Tamuz 5781] May one paint their nails during the three weeks? Answer: It is permitted to do so throughout the three weeks, although some are stringent starting from the nine days. Explanation: There is no listed restriction against painting ones nails during the three weeks, […]