Giving charity and Maaser if one owes money to others: A. Background: The obligation to pay back owed moneys:[1] It is a Biblical obligation for a person who borrowed money to pay back that money that he owes. One who does not do so transgresses the verse[2] of “Loveh Rasha […]
Calling up relatives to get Aliya one after the other
Today’s Daily Halacha is an excerpt from this Sefer. Buy Here! Calling up relatives to Aliya’s one after the other:[1] From the letter of the law, it is permitted to call two relatives to the Torah for an Aliyah one after the other. This applies whether they are brothers or […]
From the Rav’s Desk: What happened on the 20th of Sivan and is it still accustomed to fast on this day?
Question: [Monday, 20th Iyar 5781] What happened on the 20th of Sivan and is it still accustomed to fast on this day? Answer: The 20th of Sivan used to be in accustomed fast day which commemorated certain tragedies that occurred in both France and Poland in which Jews were persecuted […]
The custom of giving Tzedaka during Davening when saying the words “Veata Moshel Bakol”
The custom of giving Tzedaka during Davening when saying the words “Veata Moshel Bakol”:[1] Background: The Poskim[2] rule, based on the Talmud[3], that it is proper to give charity prior to Davening [i.e. Shemoneh Esrei[4]].[5] Doing so helps to remove foreign thoughts from entering one’s mind during prayer.[6] Likewise, doing […]
Should one say Hagomel after recovering from being sick
Should one say Hagomel after recovering from being sick?[1] There are four occurrences which render one obligated to recite the blessing of Hagomel and one of them is a person who was sick and then fully[2] recovered.[3] The type of illness: Some Poskim[4] rule that the blessing of Hagomel is […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Which Bracha should I recite on frozen wine or grape juice ice pops?
Question: [Monday, 14th Sivan, 5782] Which Bracha should I recite on frozen wine or Kedem grape juice ice pops [100% wine and grape juice]? Answer: It is questionable whether the blessing of frozen wine is Shehakol or Hagafen or Haeitz, and therefore you should either make all three blessings on […]
The accustomed dates for visiting the grave of a deceased relative-Part 2
The accustomed dates for visiting the grave of a deceased relative-Part 2:[1] C. End of 12th month:[2] Some[3] are accustomed to go to the cemetery and visit the grave of the deceased on the last day of mourning, which is the last day of the 12th month.[4] [By a non-leap […]
Daily Halacha Subscription options: Email, Whatsapp, Podcasts
Daily Halacha Email & Podcast, by ShulchanAruch Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Dear Yid! You are cordially invited to join our Daily Halacha, Chumash & Chassidus email from and enrich your knowledge of practical Halacha, for men, women, layman and scholar alike! The email includes a highly researched practical topic in […]
The accustomed dates for visiting the grave of a deceased relative-Part 1
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer, “The laws and customs of mourning” volume 2 chapter 31, available for purchase on The accustomed dates for visiting the grave of a deceased relative:[1] It is customary to visit the grave of the deceased on certain dates throughout the first […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Cutting an item on Shabbos [i.e. paper towel, toilet paper, tablecloth] to a larger than desired size
Question: [Thursday, 10th Sivan, 5782] Is it permitted on Shabbos for one to cut a tablecloth from a tablecloth role, or paper from a paper towel rule, or to cut a piece of toilet paper off from the non-dotted line, if one cuts a larger piece than necessary? I have […]