Cheating a Gentile in business: All scams and trickery are forbidden in business even with a gentle.[1] [Those people who mistakenly think that it is permitted to scam a Gentile are making a grave mistake. All types of trickery and scams are forbidden even towards a Gentile, and certainly if […]
Missing Davening on time or with a Minyan due to Mikveh before Davening
Missing Kerias Shema, or Davening on time or with a Minyan due to Tevila:[1] Missing Zeman Kerias Shema:[2] It is forbidden to miss saying Kerias Shema within Zeman Kerias Shema due to Tevilas Ezra [i.e. Baal Keri] and certainly it may not be delayed on behalf of the daily immersion. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Using water that a person drank from for Netilas Yadayim
Question: [Tuesday, 13th Tamuz 5782] My toddler walked into the room in the morning, and I caught her taking a sip from the water in my Neigal Vaaser cup that I had set up the night before to use for washing when I wake up. My question is regarding if […]
Leaving a Sefer open upon leaving a room
Leaving a Sefer open:[1] One is not to have a Torah book [i.e. Sefer] remain open if he leaves the room, unless the Sefer is covered by a cloth and the like.[2] According to Kaballah, one who leaves a Sefer open and exits the room causes a certain angel by […]
Doing laundry on Erev Shabbos-Part 1
Doing laundry on Erev Shabbos: The general law:[1] Ezra instituted for laundry to be done on Thursday [or prior[2]] in honor of Shabbos, in order so one have clean white clothing to wear on Shabbos.[3] [This comes to negate doing laundry on Erev Shabbos[4]], as on Erev Shabbos there is […]
Gezel Hagoiy-Stealing from a Gentile-Part 1
Gezel Hagoiy-Stealing from a Gentile:[1] A. The general law: It is Biblically forbidden to steal anything even from a Gentile.[2] It is forbidden to steal even less than a Peruta’s worth.[3] This applies whether the Gentile is a child or an adult.[4] This applies even if the Gentile has caused […]
Men immersing in a Mikveh daily prior to Davening Shacharis-Part 2
Men immersing in a Mikveh daily prior to Davening Shacharis-Part 2:[1] C. History of the custom and its sources and reasons in the Chassidic teaching: The directives of the Baal Shem Tov: The Baal Shem Tov stated[2] that one is to immerse in a Mikveh as much as possible, and […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Moving a corpse outside of Israel for burial
Question: [Tuesday, 8th Sivan, 5782] May one who passed away outside in Israel be buried by a family plot or plot that he already purchased in the Diaspora? For example, if a Diaspora resident was visiting Israel and passed away there, may he be removed to be buried in his […]
Men immersing in a Mikveh daily prior to Davening Shacharis-PART 1
Men immersing in a Mikveh daily prior to Davening Shacharis:[1] In today’s times, it is customary amongst Chassidim and men of piety to immerse daily in the mikvah prior to the daily prayer. Although this custom of being particular to immerse every single day prior to prayer, does not contain […]
Touching the parchment of a Sefer Torah
Touching the parchment of a Sefer Torah:[1] It is forbidden to hold [or even touch[2]] the parchment of the Sefer Torah without a cloth.[3] This applies even if one washed his hands.[4] [This applies whether to the interior side of the parchment where the words are written, or to the […]