Question: [Thursday, 19th Elul, 5782] One of the rooms in our home has a very interesting doorway, in which its lintel does not hover over the doorposts but rather is to the side of the doorposts with the doorposts reaching all the way to the ceiling. Meaning, that the lintel […]
From the Rav’s Desk-Using a Yemenite Kudu Shofar for the Mitzvah of blowing Shofar
Question: [Tuesday, 17th Elul, 5782] I am looking to purchase a new shofar for my Shul to use this Rosh Hashanah and would like to know if I can purchase the Yemenite Kudu shofar which is most beautiful in both appearance and sound and I would really like to use […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Killing a trespassing neighbor’s pet which is a nuisance and causing monetary damage
Question: [Monday, 16th Elul 5781] Our neighbor owns a goat which often enters into our yard and for the past few months has begun eating from our garden. We have spent much time and money investing in our garden which boasts beautiful plants, flowers, and vegetation. The goat is causing […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is there any issue with having a Gold Kiddush cup?
Is there any issue with having a Gold Kiddush cup? Halachically-No, and on the contrary, it is the most beautiful for the Mitzvah. Kabbalistically and traditionally-Yes, as gold is Gevuros, and a cup is the Gematria of Elokim which is Gevuros, and hence it is best for the cup to […]
Handing a non-religious Jew an item on Shabbos which he will carry through an area without an Eiruv
Handing a gentile, or non-religious Jew, an item on Shabbos which they will carry through an area without an Eiruv:[1] A. Non-religious Jew:[2] It is forbidden for one to provide an item to a Jew if one knows that the Jew will carry it in an area without an Eiruv.[3] […]
From the Rav’s Desk: When traveling on an airplane, when is Tefilas Haderech to be recited?
Question: [Monday, 9th Elul 5781] When taking a flight, when is the prayer of Tefilas Haderech to be recited? Should it be said on the airplane or on the way to the airport? If it should be said on the airplane, then should it be said after takeoff or before […]
Practical Q&A on which roofs are obligated in having a fence-Part 3
Q&A on which roofs require a fence If a non-commonly used roof is now decided to be commonly used, does it now become obligated in a fence?[1] Yes. Indoor Balcony [i.e. Hallway of upper floor]:[2] The balcony of an upper floor which oversees the lower floor is Biblically obligated […]
Which roofs are obligated in having a fence-Part 2
Which roofs are obligated in having a fence?[1] Beis Dirah-A roof of a home which is commonly used:[2] A guardrail is only obligated to be established to a roof of a home which is used for living purposes [i.e. Beis Dirah][3], and which its roof space is commonly used [for […]
From the Rav’s Desk: By which side is one to turn the head by an Aliyah
Question: [Sunday, 8th Elul 5782] In the Hayom Yom for the 4th of Elul we read that when receiving an Aliyah to the Torah and reciting the blessings, the person saying the blessing is to look towards his right. Why is this done, and why do I see many other […]
The Mitzvah to make a fence around one’s roof -Part 1-General rule and reasons
Making a fence around one’s roof:[1] כִּי תִבְנֶה בַּיִת חָדָשׁ וְעָשִֹיתָ מַעֲקֶה לְגַגֶּךָ וְלֹא תָשִֹים דָּמִים בְּבֵיתֶךָ כִּי יִפֹּל הַנֹּפֵל מִמֶּנּו” “When you build a new home and make a fence for your roof, and you shall not spill blood in your home when the faller falls from it” [Devarim […]