Question: [Sunday, 7th Tishreiy, 5782] May I cook or barbecue in a Sukkah? I have a barbecue that is drilled into my Sukkah patio, may I leave it in the Sukkah and if so, may I use it to barbecue in the Sukkah? Answer: No. You may not cook […]
The order of building the Sukkah-Setting up the walls before the Sechach
The order of building-Setting up the walls before the Sechach?[1] One is not to place the Sechach over the [frame of the] Sukkah prior to building the [Halachically valid] walls.[2] Bedieved, if first placed the Sechach: If one transgressed and first placed the Sechach over the frame and only then […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Working on Chol Hamoed; Tehillim at night during Aseres Yimei Teshuvah; How many Yartzite candles
1. Question: [Sunday, 7th Tishreiy, 5782] I work in home renovations and have a Jewish employee who asked me if he can continue his work and get paid also on Chol Hamoed. I generally never work on Chol Hamoed, as is the law, but this employee is telling me that he really needs […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Forgot Hamelech Hakadosh and only remembered by Mincha
1. Question: [Thursday, 4th Tishreiy, 5782] By Mincha time I remembered that by Shacharis I forgot to recite Hamelech Hakadosh. What should I do? Answer: After Mincha you should Daven an extra Shemoneh Esrei as a Tashlumin for Shacharis. Sources: See Admur 108:17; M”A 108:16; Elya Raba 116:16; […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Why are the Parshiyos of Netzavim/Vayeilech separate this year?
1. Question: [Thursday, 4th Tishreiy, 5782] Why are the Parshiyos of Netzavim/Vayeilech sometimes read together and sometimes read separately, such as this year? Answer: The Parsha of Nitzavim is always read the Shabbos prior to Rosh Hashanah. Thus, when Rosh Hashanah falls on Monday-Tuesday, since there are two Shabbosos between […]
After Rosh Hashanah Questions & Answers
Question: [3rd Tishrei, 5783] How long must each Shever be and what is the law if blower blew a very short first Shever, similar in sounding to a Terua? Practically in our Shul the Baal Tokeia blew almost all the Shevarim blows in the following way: Tu, Tuuu, Tuuu, Tu, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Doing a Peruzbal again at the end of the Shemita year
Question: [Thursday, 26th Elul, 5782] I did a Peruzbal last year before Rosh Hashanah 5782 as is the Chabad ruling and custom. Should I do so once again this year before Rosh Hashanah 5783? Answer: Yes. Even those who already performed a Peruzbal before Rosh Hashanah of 5782, which was […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May an Avel in the 12th month lead Selichos?
Question: [Tuesday, 24th Elul, 5782] May an Avel who is within his 12th month of mourning [i.e. past 11 months, but before end of 12th month] lead the prayer of Selichos? Answer: He should not do so unless there is no one else available. Explanation: While it is debated […]
The order of breaths between the Shofar blows-Part 1
Taking breaths during Shofar blowing: A. Within a single sound:[1] [The minimum required measurement of the Tekiah blow must be done in one breath.[2]] The [minimum required] amount of the Yevavos [i.e. Terumatin] of the Teruos in the sound of Terua, as well as the three Shevarim[3] in the sound […]
Washing hands in a bathroom, or with water that came from a bathroom
Washing hands in a bathroom, or with water that came from a bathroom: A. Washing hands after using the bathroom and after other impurities:[1] One who uses the bathroom [or does other actions which requires him to wash hands afterwards in order to get rid of the evil spirit that […]