Sleeping alone-The restriction against sleeping alone in a room or home:[1] A. The prohibition: The Talmud[2] states that it is forbidden to sleep alone in a home and whoever sleeps alone in a home is grasped by Lilith, and so is recorded in the Poskim[3], that it is forbidden to […]
What is one to do if he switched Talleisim with another person
What is one to do if he switched Talleisim with another person? A. Background: The general law by a switched item:[1] One who [accidently] took the wrong item may not use the item [that he accidently took] and doing so is considered stealing. The same applies if one’s item was […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Davening and Torah learning when one’s child in undressed
Question: [Thursday, 14th Menachem Av 5782] My two-year-old daughter is in the midst of potty training and keeps on taking off her underwear and will not wear a diaper, which means that she randomly walks around the house undressed. What are we supposed to do regarding Davening and learning in […]
Walking four Amos prior to washing hands in the morning
Walking four Amos prior to washing hands in the morning:[1] The ruling according to the Talmud:[2] According to the Talmud and Codifiers it is permitted for one to walk prior to washing hands in the morning upon awaking. The only restriction according to the Talmud is not to touch food […]
Zecher Lachurban-Commemorating the Destruction
Zecher Lachurban-Commemorating the Destruction-Summary version Painting and decorating one’s walls: When the Temple was destroyed, the Sages of that generation instituted that it is forbidden for one to ever build a home which is painted and decorated like the building of a king. Thus, it is forbidden to paint the […]
Tisha B’av that falls on Shabbos
Tisha B’av that falls on Sunday This chapter will mention all the Halachic changes that apply when Tisha B’av falls on Sunday, in contrast to other days of the week. It retains the same laws as a regular Tisha B’av in respect to all other matters that are not mentioned […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Removing the Paroches by Maariv of Tishe Beav
Question: [Monday, 10th Menachem Av 5781] When Tisha b’Av falls on Motzei Shabbos when is the Paroches and covering of the Bima and Amud, to be removed? Answer: If there is a break between the end of Shabbos and Maariv, then it should be removed before Maariv, as done every year. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May I cut my nails this week, the week of Tishe Beav Nidcheh
Question: [Tuesday, 5th Menachem Av 5782] I forgot to cut my nails last week before Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av which fell on Friday and did not do so on Friday because it was Rosh Chodesh, and I am not particular to cut my nails on every Erev Shabbos. My question […]
Exemptions for fasting on Tishe Beav Taanis Nidche
Exemptions for fasting on a Tishe Beav Nidche: Tishe Beav is considered the most severe of the Rabbinical fasts, and obligates even pregnant and nursing women to fast, however not those who are Halachically defined as sick. In years that Tishe Beav falls on Shabbos and is differed to Sunday, […]
Buying, renting, and moving into a new home during the three weeks and nine days
Buying, renting, and moving into a new home during the three weeks and nine days: A. Background of Halachic issues: The action of buying, renting, and moving into a new home during the period of the three weeks touches upon the following five Halachic issues: The prohibition of saying Shehechiyanu:[1] […]